摘要: | 唐代距今千餘載,唐詩經歷代輾轉傳抄,不僅文字難免有所差異,後人的訓釋也多有出入。敦煌唐詩寫本大抵抄寫於唐五代之時,距離原詩寫作年代頗為接近,經過輾轉傳抄的次數較少,訛誤的情況自然也較少,具有輯佚和校勘考訂的重要價值。黃永武教授對敦煌唐詩的斠理工作,其選材原則大抵有二:(1)以唐代詩人為對象,(2)以敦煌唐詩輯本為對象。他不僅能即時掌握重要材料,且能博觀會通詩意。其校勘比對的方法,乃是避免「某作某」的簡單異文校勘,採用「活校」的態度,從字義、制度、音律、修辭、語彙、辨偽等方面,考訂敦煌本唐詩對唐代詩歌研究的價值。黃永武教授斠理唐詩,頗能充分利用原始材料,考鏡源流,辨音釋義,以敦煌本為宗,兼采今本以附益其義。同時廣泛吸收前哲時賢的研究成果,集諸家之善,作正確的判斷。更且獨創新意,多所發明,開創多元的校勘方法,理清並展現了不少唐詩的原始面貌。今日敦煌文書出版品頗為豐富,我們看到的唐代詩人與詩歌的數量,比以前來得多,對於唐代詩歌的研究斠理,應該能夠更加廣泛而深入的探討。黃永武教授斠理敦煌唐詩的研究方法及其豐碩成果,正足為我們參考學習的優良典範。 From the Tang Dynasty to the present day have been more than a thousand years, through continuous replication of poetry at that time, not only the text will inevitably be some differences, the descendants of people who also have a difference in the case of interpretation of the poetry. The poetry of Dunhuang manuscripts were copied in very early age, so the error occurred naturally less, and with the important value of collenction and collation. There are two principles in selected materials of Professor Huang Yongwu’s collation of the Tang dynasty poetry of Dunhuang manuscripts: ( a) the object of Tang Dynasty poet, ( b) the object of Tang Dynasty Poetry Series of Dunhuang manuscripts. He is not only able to immediately grasp the important material, but also to proficient the meaning of poetry. From the meaning of words, the system, rhythm, rhetoric, vocabulary, detection of forgeries, etc., Professor Huang carefully examines the value of the Tang Dynasty Poetry of Dunhuang manuscripts . Professor Huang takes full advantage of Dunhuang to examine the origins of the poetry, to identify the sound and meaning of the poetry. He can absorb a wide range of other scholar’s research results, and will set all the advantages, make the correct judgment. At the same time, he can create a variety of collated to show a lot of original features of Tang Dynasty poet. Today we can see more of the Tang Dynasty poetry. For the study of Tang Dynasty poetry should be more extensive and in-depth discussions. Professor Hwang's research method and its rich achievements of Tang Dynasty Poetry Series of Dunhuang manuscripts, is sufficient as a fine example of our reference study. |