在曹溪惠能的弟子中,最具影響力與富爭議性的人物首推荷澤神會(684-758),他所發動的反北宗運動可說是唐代禪史上的一件大事。有關他在敦煌石洞被發現的語錄,其原始名稱爲《南陽和上問答雜徵義》而被現今通稱爲《神會語錄》;總體而言,此語錄乃神會針對當時學佛人士在修學佛法之過程中,所提出的問題予以作答之記錄;但由於這些請教人士的議題所涵蓋之範圍相當廣泛,其所提的問題正好可作爲研究唐代學佛人士修學情況的基本材料。基於這樣的理由,本文依據《神會語錄》中的對話,摘要出七項當時學人所提的幾個關鍵性之問題。同時,我們也可以從神會的作答裡,一窺其所謂「曹溪教旨」的理念爲何。 Among Caoxi Huineng’s disciples, Shenhui is the most influential and controversial figure. His anti-Northern campaign was one of the most significant events in Chan history during the Tang. The discovery of Shenhui’s Recorded Sayings, originally titled Nanyang Heshang Miscellaneous Dialogues (Nanyang Heshang Wen Da Zha Zheng Yi), records his dialogues with many Buddhist practitioners of the Tang regarding Buddhist concepts and teachings. Because these questioners’ backgrounds cover the whole range of Buddhist communities, their questions become a valuable source in studying Buddhist concepts at that time. This paper mainly analyzes seven issues, which were proposed by many Buddhist practitioners, and studies Shenhui’s replies, which convey his thoughts and meditative experience under Huineng.