大學教育的目標在於培育具有良好溝通表達之素養、獨立思考的能力、廣博精深的視野與批判創造的心靈。整個大學教育的內容,不僅要追求精深的專業技能,更要有厚實的通識教育作為核心主軸。不過,不論專業知識或通識核心能力又都必須建立在更本質性的基礎能力之上。因此,要達到此上述的目標,除一般共同必修課(如國文、英文)外,還必須針對現代大學生的特質,設計一門暨廣博又基礎的課程來達成,即「大學涵養」(Accomplishment of being a university student)。本課程引導大一新生進入大學理念的殿堂,了解大學的精神及自我的定位,作為未來生涯規劃的基礎能力。換言之,通識的基礎教育除一般共同必修課(如國文、英文)外,還必須針對現代大學生的特質,設計一門暨廣博又基礎的課程來達成,即「大學涵養」。本課程引導大一新生進入大學理念的殿堂,了解大學的精神及自我的定位,作為未來生涯規劃的基礎能力,增加同學在社會中的公民能力與素養。 This study surveys the current schemes of general education adopted by colleges and universities in Taiwan. The preliminary result reveals that there are three main points hampered the development of general education in Taiwan: gradually utilities-oriented pursuit of contemporary university’s education, lack of the essence of core curriculum and lack of the advanced cultivation of integration ability. In response to the founding, this study devoted to clarify and illustrate the essence of core curriculum by relating American core curriculum based on classics and tried to provide a curriculum proposal with the core of classical learning for future reference in attempting the improvement of general education.