中國大陸西南地區的貴州、雲南、廣西、西藏等地區因位置處邊陲地帶,因而保留較多少數民族村寨的文化特色,是近年大陸調查、規劃、保護與保存民族村寨的重點地區。但因時代急遽發展與變化,大陸西南地區少數民族村寨發展亦發生變化,且變化速度令人在座保護措施與規劃過程中有措手不及之感。在如此迅速發展變遷中,我們的調查,除瞭解各民族村寨的歷史發展與特色,觀察、紀錄近年民族村寨的發展變遷與改變外,提供建議如何保存民族村寨的物質與非物質文化遺產,作為保存與改造民族村寨更是重要課題。筆者以2011年到貴州榕江縣朗洞鎮苗族村寨的調查為例,從打工潮、道路的拓寬、服飾的變化、牯藏等節慶、生活變化等問題與村民對談。筆者在與村民同吃同住,一起放牛,一起過節的生活中,共同感受其發展變遷的歷程,共同思索如何在經濟、文化的衝擊與變化下,適當的保留或保護民族村寨的特色。 Located in border area, Guizhou, Yunnan, Sichuan and Xizhuang, southwest of China, remain comparatively much more characteristics of tribal culture. They are also the key areas to protect, preserve and plan the tribal villages recently. However, the development of the tribal villages also made some changes duo to the fast development and change of the times. With such rapid transition, we need to understand the history development and characteristics of each tribal village. Moreover, how to preserve material and non-material cultural heritage of the tribal villages and how to offer the suggestions to preserve and reform the tribal villages are another important issues. The author who had spent time in Miao villages in Langdong Township of Rongjiang Countyy in Guizhou in 2011 takes the comparison and investigation of these villages for example. She talked with the villagers about the trend of the part-time jobs, broadened roads and the change of costume and accessories. She lived, pastured and celebrated festivals together with the villagers. She also experienced the process of development transition and thought deeply how to preserve and protect the characteristics of tribal village in proper ways under the impact and change of economy and culture.