自2005年成立以來,「東亞高峰會」即為一個供泛東亞國家就戰略、政治與經濟等共同議題進行對話、並以促進東亞和平、穩定和繁榮為目標的重要論壇,同時也因其深具構築「東亞共同體」的潛力而備受各方矚目。在2010年的第五屆峰會上,東亞高峰會進行了首次的擴大,攸關東亞局勢發展動向美國與俄羅斯在東協國家的邀請下被正式接納,並於2011年的第六屆高峰會上成為會員國。在地理位置非屬東亞的美、俄加入之後,東亞高峰會的外交代表性顯然大獲提升,但峰會的本質和成員間的權力結構關係也隨之出現新的變化。本文嘗試由新區域主義的角度來分析東亞高峰會的擴大如何影響東亞區域整合進程的發展,首先說明東亞高峰會所呈現的新區域主義特質,其次探究東亞高峰會主要成員對於納入美、俄的立場,最後則論述擴大後的東亞高峰會對於其機制本質、東亞區域秩序的建構以及東亞地區發展中的新區域主義所可能產生的影響與衝擊。 Being held for the first time as a pan-East Asian dialogue forum in 2005, the East Asia Summit deals with broad strategic, political and economic issues with the aim of promoting peace, stability and economic prosperity in East Asia. Following its enlargement to include the US and Russia in the Sixth East Asia Summit as official member states, many questions have been raised. Would the enlargement of EAS membership harm the EAS itself, and thus paving the way for the revival of ASEAN+3 as the main vehicle of East Asian community? Would this enlargement reduce the significance of the East Asian community and thus impair the emerging New Regionalism in East Asia? What are its implications for the existing cooperation patterns underway in East Asia? By exploring the nature of the EAS and the effects of the EAS Enlargement, this paper seeks to answer these questions proposed above and hopefully could be served as a foundation for future policy researches of Taiwan’s East Asian policy.