The EU and APEC are often described as two very different approaches to regional integration. The idea of Europe, as a most successful region in the global system, would have a similar model. Western Europe before 1990, offered an attractive model of formal economic integration among countries within a geographically well-defined security and stability. And Europe, after 1990, offered a more multiple example for that other regions could learn. However, is the model of European integration an applicable experience to Asia Pacific? Some arguments denied the possibility of regionalism in Asia-Pacific, as contrasted with the EU, in its diversity. Some scholars positively evaluate its diversity in Asia-Pacific specific value. This paper focuses mainly on the similarities and differences between the EU and APEC from the perspectives of comparative analysis. The content is divided into five sections: the introduction; a second section defining the varieties of regionalism; an explanation of the main determinants on the formation of regional block in Europe and Asia-Pacific; the fourth section tries to explain some lessons that economic integration in the Asia-Pacific could learn from the EU experiences; and the final section concludes the debates. 歐洲聯盟及亞太經濟合作會議兩種截然不同之區域統合模式。在1990年代之前,歐洲統合提供地理位置相近國家藉由經濟合作促進區域安全穩定的發展模式。1990年代之後,歐洲多元化統合模式成為其他區域合作模仿典範。但歐洲統合經驗是否可作為亞太區域整合之模式?有些學者抱持否定看法,認為亞太國家內部歧異性過大;但有些學者反而對亞太多元化發展持正面看法。文章主要在比較歐洲聯盟與亞太區域經濟合作兩區域組織之異同。內文分為五部分:除前言外;第二部分定義區域主義之類型;第三在解析兩區域組織主要特色發展;第四從歐洲統合經驗檢驗亞太地區能從中學習之處;最後做出總結。