雙重賽局是解釋國家面對國際談判時,如何在敲定協議時能同時兼顧其他國家與國內行為者的不同立場,此種擴大兩種不同層次的談判協議區間,一般稱之為勝利組合。本文將從影響勝利組合大小之三大關鍵,也就是國內權力分配狀況、政治制度設計與談判者策略運用三大層次分析愛爾蘭批准歐盟里斯本條約,從中連結雙重賽局理論與解釋本文案例的適用性。 Two-leval game theory often use to explain when countries face to international negotiation, how do they consider the positions for other countries and domestic actors in the same time, and the most important thing is to produce a agreement in the end. And the different positions of all actors in this negotiation will cause different “win-set”. This article is used three key points that affect the range of win-set (domestic preferences and coalitions. domestic institution and negotiators’ strategies) to analyze the case of Ireland ratified EU Lisbon Treaty.