本文首先透過文件分析整理了1975年迄今,有關大學評鑑的各種相關論述。這其中牽涉到不少教育行政人員、大學行政主管和學者的陳述。筆者認為,文件中所登載的陳述,除了字面上的直接語義之外,它同時具有言外之意,亦即,行動者陳述的語句透露了特定時空中特定社會脈絡的行動者自覺或不自覺的制度化言說模式或限度,這制度化的言說模式或限度即是筆者所謂的論述形成。本文試圖從各類文件中,耙梳有關大學評鑑的支持和反對論述的形成歷程,俾能使這段論述流變的歷史刻畫出有一個稍為具像的形貌。最後,本文認為近年來的大學評鑑體制已產生了非論述的權力效果,它一方面主導了我國高等教育資源的分配,同時也以微觀權力取徑建構著學術人的身心狀態。 This research first engages a documental analysis of various discourses concerning university evaluation since 1975, which involves many statements from university and educational administrators and scholars. The author attempts to stress that, besides words and sentences, those statements implies something beyond, that is, the institutionalized speech patterns and limits within specific social context and time-space frame, the discursive formations so to speak. Analyzing through different documents, we try to concretize the formation process of discourse and counter-discourse regarding university evaluation, in order to picture more clearly the historical dimension of the discourse shift. Finally, this research also tries to point out the non-discursive power effects, which dominates the resource distribution of the higher education in Taiwan on the one hand, and conducted as a micro power shaping the body and mind of numerous intellectuals on the other.