本文藉檢討我國於民國87年以來,因推行《教育改革行動方案》而展開各項「追求高等教育卓越發展」的方案,在標舉「大學自治」的口號下,各種以「追求卓越」為名的措施紛紛出籠,儼然成為我國高教體系中難以撼動的「主流價值」。在這樣的脈絡下,如何順應既有的「高教遊戲規則」來追求、鞏固並進而強化自身的利益,至少已成為現今「高教體系」中的各方參與者(諸如大學經營者、私校辦學資本家、教育官僚成員)與利害關係人(教師、學生、家長等)所採取因應行為的共同發展取向及特徵。在探索以「追求卓越」來構築我國既存「高教遊戲規則」的脈絡下,本文以「不正的辦學經營者」之角度,藉剖析我國高等教育法制的相關規範,特別是針對教師工作權的影響面,從「退場機制」的操作觀點,嘗試揭露我國高教體系中刻正運行的「一場魔鬼眼中的『追求卓越』遊戲」。 The pursuit of excellence, an emphasis in the education reform project since 1998, has worked hand in hand with university autonomy, a governmental policy, to give a loose rein to various kinds of practices and policies in its name. The pursuit of excellence has become a dominant discourse in higher education, compelling all parties involved, such as school administrators, investors, owners, government bureaucrats, teachers, students and parents, to cope with it.By analyzing the negative effects of the pursuit of excellence on our higher education, the paper attempts to explore how profit-oriented school owners can benefit from our current laws and regulations. It brings into attention how exit mechanism can impact teachers’ labor rights, and it presents the craze for excellence pursuing figuratively as a game in the eyes of the devil.