本文以某海運承攬運送業個案為對象,探討與業者有關之內部服務品質的看法和評價,以設定議題與自由意見填寫等方式,使用具體數據分析員工對業者所提供服務之需求面與滿意指標。本研究依據張紘炬、廖玲珠 (2012) 以SERVQUAL量表為問卷架構,對海運承攬運送業基本特性及服務功能之問卷調查,應用IPA(Important-Performance Analysis)分析重要程度與滿意程度指標分布狀況之結果為基礎,結合Kano二維模式歸類出員工對服務品質屬性分類選項,得以更清楚了解員工的需求與偏好,並歸納出內部服務品質的改善重點,讓業者針對關鍵的內部服務品質能夠持續維持與創新,使員工滿意程度提高,進而對良好的外部服務品質有所助益,增加公司的經營績效。 This study took the Ocean Freight Forwarder, KF Company, as an object to discuss the employee’s view and appraisal on the how to handle each service item. To identify the direction of the employee’s demand and the degree of the satisfactory by establishing agenda and free opinion filling. This study based on the results of Chang and Liao (2012) that took the SERVQUAL as the construction of questionnaire to proposed 29 questions with the basic characters and functions of the ocean freight forwarder be investigated by IPA (Important-Performance Analysis) to understanding the employees’ satisfaction from the illustrated company. In order to find out the key point service quality, we used Kano model to classify key improvement of internal service quality which can clearly understand the employee’s demand and enhances their satisfaction degree to promote the external service quality and increase the organization’s performance.