企業國際化已是趨勢,企業的組織文化、領導型態與知識分享的相關性結果,預期有助於提昇與發揮企業的競爭力。本研究母體為1,792人之跨國企業,經由分層比例隨機抽樣發出600份問卷,回收有效問卷208份;通過敘述性統計,差異性分析,線性結構關係模式,多群組分析與個人深度訪談進行相關探討。本研究發現: 1.各構面間未必互有相關;2.組織文化經由領導型態與知識分享有相關;3.組織文化與員工工作價值觀有相關;4.不同國籍員工對各構面間的因素皆有顯著差異。本研究建議: (1)加速員工的交流,建立一致且穩定的組織文化;(2)加強主管之教育訓練,接受不同國籍主管的領導,以達到知識分享的效果;(3)善用資訊系統建立知識分享平台,連結各國籍員工認同組織文化將知識分享與工作經驗傳承。 Globalization is the trend of business to upgrade the competence. Population of this research is an international business group covering 1,792 employees in Taiwan, China and Vietnam. 600 pieces of questionnaires were issued and 208 pieces collected for analysis through descriptive statistics, ANOVA, LISREL, Multi-Group Analysis and individual in-depth interview. Findings of this research are: 1. Not every aspect is related; 2.Organizational culture is related to knowledge sharing through leadership styles; 3. Some relationship between organizational culture and work value; 4.Aspect is different significantly in consciousness resulting from different nationalities.Suggestions in management practice are (1) Establish a consistent and stable organizational culture through job rotation and training. (2)Reinforce the education and training of the leaders. (3) Connect various nationalities employees through information technology system for recognition of organizational culture and knowledge sharing.