台灣化妝保養品產業的發展,可追溯自1957年引進來台的日系品牌資生堂,整體而言,化妝保養品市場仍以進口產品為主。近年來女性教育程度提高、就業人數增加及經濟實力漸增,加上保養觀念逐漸普及,女性接受保養之觀念的年齡層也越下降。目前台灣也越來越多的企業加入化妝保養品市場,現今化妝保養品市場品牌甚多,其中影響消費者選購的因素為何?本研究範圍為女性基礎保養品,研究對象為北台灣女性。研究目的在探討女性消費者選購化妝保養品的影響因素。研究採變異數分析以及因素分析,針對購買動機及消費價值變數,使用主成分分析法抽取因素。研究之實證結果: 女性消費者的人口統計變數、購買動機與消費價值對於品牌選購行為有顯著差異。在不同購買動機與消費價值方面,社會動機與社會性價值皆為顯著。建議業者,市場區隔可採教育程度與月所得,行銷策略可以提升使用者社會性形象與價值為主,業者亦可朝加強品牌形象著手,讓消費大眾能瞭解其品牌特色,也可以讓消費者對品牌增加良好印象。 The cosmetics industry in Taiwan could be traced back to the brand Shiseido imported from Japan since 1957. Generally, the major brands in Taiwan’s cosmetic market have still been the imported products. In recent years, the female with increasing education, employment and income, coupled with the increasing skin care knowledge, they use cosmetic products from teenage. In Taiwan, there are more and more companies have joined cosmetic products market. Some researches tried to know what makes the female buying cosmetic products. This research focused on the motivations and consumption value for the decisions of purchasing cosmetics. The samples were the female consumers’ purchasing decisions in north Taiwan. ANOVA and factor analysis were used. The factors for buying motivation and consumption value were extracted by the principal component analysis. The empirical results show the significant difference in the demographic variables, social motivation and social value on the cosmetics purchasing decisions. The results may explain why the better variables to segment the market are the customers’ income and education. The marketing strategy should improve the social image and consumption value of using cosmetic products, as well as strengthening the brand image.