資訊性服務資源與行銷性服務資源普遍存在大部分金融機構,此兩項服務性資源對於顧客的服務提供與關係績效的建立具有完備之功能。運用此實務價值為基礎,使本研究對服務性資源與服務關係績效之探討更為緊密連結。為驗證此研究目的,問卷於2009年8月進行360份問卷發放。統計分析包括信、效度,如: Cronbach’s α值、KMO值、Bartlett ϰ2的統計顯著性意義、特徵值、構面總解釋變量,及因素分析。同時亦採用Podsakoff 與 Organ (1986) 所建議的Harman單因子測試法(One-factor test) 來檢定CMV(Common method variance)中提及的同源偏差 (Single source bias)。基於此信效度分析,本研究亦進行相關分析及構面共線性之分析 (Collinearity)。亦採用Baron 與Kenny (1986) 所建議的交互迴歸進行假設的驗證。研究發現:一、個別的資訊性服務資源及行銷性服務資源對顧客服務關係績效有正向的影響。二、資訊性服務資源及行銷性服務資源兩者的互補交互性對顧客服務關係績效亦有正向的影響。其邏輯推論於此兩項服務性資源對顧客服務關係績效之正向影響為: 當資訊服務性資源收集出最新行銷資訊,金融機構能快速回應市場中的顧客需求,使金融機構能強化對顧客的顧客服務關係績效。 The purpose of this study is to expand and better the understanding of a natural phenomenon of customer service relationship performance in financial service industry, namely the effect of the information and marketing service resources and their interactions on the performance. To reach this goal, we carry out an empirical study by some statistical tools as testing reliability and validity with a multiple interaction regression approach to attain significant results. The new findings were consistent with the performance predictions, but we moved beyond previous studies, offering new findings and insights. Our findings suggest that evaluations of financial service resources that include these two types of service resources and their interactions will lead to a more prediction of customer service relationship performance, allowing them to adapt to today’s ever-changing dynamic environment.