中國一開始就參與國際社會對於改善全球氣候變化的努力,一方面積極參加國際社會針對氣候問題所採取的各項行動和談判,另方面也提出各項政策和措施,減少溫室氣體排放。本文的目的在分析中國氣候政策的外部和內部因素,這不僅有助於我們瞭解中國針對氣候變化所採取的各項政策和措施,同時對我們從外交政策研究角度分析中國因應國際氣候政治發展所採取的各種作為和政策也有幫助,對中國氣候政策制定及中國與國際氣候政治發展相關問題的研究,提供了重要的基礎。 From the beginning of emerge of global climate change issue, China has been taking a role, not only in international climate negotiations but also the adoption of policy and administrative doings about climate change at home. This article aims to interpret the international and domestic contexts of China’s climate policy. It is helpful for our understandings on China’s climate policy. Also, it is contributive to the further study of China’s climate policy-making upon the perspectives of foreign policy analyses.