本文藉由作者參與執行88(莫拉克)風災心靈重建的計畫經驗,探討相關政策論述之「創造性藝術活動」的藝文活動設計內涵。首先,探討四年的藝文活動內容發現,藝文活動具有「綜合性動態化」的主要傾向;然而,考量國小學童面臨綜合性動態化之藝術活動可能影響,本研究提出:(1)「人口變項」應與「藝文活動規劃」和「藝文活動滿意度」發生關聯;(2)藝文活動滿意度與人口變項兩者應可成為交互影響其與藝文活動規劃關聯變化之控制變項;(3)去除年齡、興趣的人口變項限制應能有效地提昇關聯強度,等三項假設。由此設計適合國小學童填答之「類別變項」問卷,針對曾經參與藝文活動之災區學童進行調查,共取得669份有效樣本。透過資料的蒐集整理,利用獨立性考驗與多重列聯表分析,結果發現:(1)「年級」係對藝文活動規劃發生顯著關聯的唯一變項;(2)滿意度中之「再次參加意願」變數以及人口變項中之「年級」變數,是彼此交互影響藝文活動規劃關聯變化的兩個控制變數;(3)剃除「低年級」與「靜態興趣」的樣本後,確能有效提昇關聯強度。這些發現將可作為後續心靈重建政策規劃暨相關藝文活動設計的參考,亦能由此反思建構兒童藝術輔導計畫當中何謂「創造性藝術活動」的內涵。 Based on the execution to the Spiritual Reconstructions of Typhoon Morakot, writer of this paper inquires to recognize the recovery issues about “Artistic Creativity”. On the first place, reviewing the contents of curriculums for the last four years, an “integrated-and-activated” trend has been shown out. Meanwhile, considering the possible feedbacks from elementary school students, it hypotheses: (1) “Demographic variables” (DV) should be associated to the “Curriculum planning variables” (CPV) and “Satisfaction variables” (SV), (2) DV and SV should play the roles of “Control variable” to CPV mutually for each other, and (3) after extracting the unfit samples of DV, the associated significance should be uplifted effectively. It takes on the design with the “Categorical variable” of questionnaire due to the children respondents. After nonparametric analysis to the 669 effective samples from participants of the Spiritual Reconstructions, it concludes: (1) “Grade” is an overall variable among DV associated to CPV only, (2) “Willing re-participate” among SV and “Grade” among DV are two variables as CV by affecting the association with CPV from each other, and (3) the association has been promoted significantly by excluding the samples of “Low Grade” and “Introverted Personality” from DV. It is reflexibility to construct the“Artistic Creativity” from this paper.