溫室氣體成長造成全球暖化問題日益嚴重,其中飲食文化生產、製造與運輸過程中扮演重要角色,因此對於飲食問題的瞭解有其急迫性。本研究以100學年度就讀於雲林縣國小六年級學生為研究對象,進行分層叢集抽樣,計回收有效調查問卷477份,有效回收率為88.33%。研究結果顯示,父母親職業的不同,在低碳飲食知識有顯著差異;性別、父親職業、母親職業的不同,而在低碳飲食態度有顯著差異;母親職業的不同,在低碳飲食行為有顯著差異;低碳飲食知識、態度與行為三者間呈顯著正相關,且兩兩之間呈顯著正相關。本研究結果發現,雲林縣國小六年級學童對低碳飲食知識、情意態度與低碳飲食行為均有良好的學習效果。並可提供相關教育單位或環保團體,推動低碳飲食的參考,以提升國小學童正向積極知識、情意態度,並實踐低碳飲食的行動。 The growth of greenhouse gases caused by the growing problem of global warming, which play an important cultural role in the low-carbon diet of production, manufacturing and transportation process, and its urgency for the understanding of eating problems.The subject included sixth-graders who were enrolled in the elementary schools in Youlin County in 100 academic year. By the stratified cluster sampling method, the total recovery of 477 valid questionnaires was achieved and the valid response rate was 88.33%. The results showed that, there was a significant difference in knowledge about a low-carbon diet among with different father’s and mother’s occupations. There was a difference in attitudes toward a low-carbon diet among with different genders, father’s and mother’s occupations. There was a significant difference in behaviors of a low-carbon diet among with different mother’s occupations.A positive correlation was gained among knowledge attitudes and behaviors of a low-carbon diet. And a significant correlation existed between any two.The findings of this study showed that the potentialities of the six-graders existed a good learning effect upon knowledge, attitudes and behaviors to a low-carbon diet. In this study, the findings and suggestions might be taken as references to promote a low-carbon diet by educational institutions and environmental groups. It is aimed to encourage elementary
students to enhance the positive knowledge and attitudes regarding a low-carbon diet, and bring them into practice.