傳統產業受到新興產業快速發展與產快速發展與產業環境變遷的影響與衝擊,許多原本以製造為主的廠商,面臨沉重的轉型壓力。在多元與快速變化的環境下,傳統製造業紛紛朝向觀光工廠轉型,結合製造、服務與文化創意的創新經營模式,其中以埔里酒廠轉型為觀光酒廠為成功案例之一,由於埔里觀光酒廠的成功轉型,許多傳統製酒業者也紛紛仿效與學習,埔里酒廠如何在競爭激烈的環境中保持優勢,其關鍵成功要素為何實值深入探討。 本研究運用層級分析法,邀訪熟悉觀光工廠運作之產官學研專家共14位進行問卷調查,針對廠區內外環境、產品特色、觀光遊憩、文化創意思維、經營策略、產業綜效等構面探討觀光酒廠的關鍵成功要素,深入分析埔里酒廠成功轉型與維持競爭優勢的主要原因。 由本研究結果後可發現,第一層級構面前兩名為「經營策略」與「產品特色」以及第二層評估依據級前三名為「販售菸酒公司相關產品」、「以廠區名酒為主題多元產品」與「以酒為主題的多元產品」,此項目皆為「產品特色」構面裡的評估依據,有此可得知觀光酒廠的成功關鍵因素為「經營策略」與「產品特色」。 The emergence of new industries and rapid changes in the business environment has caused tremendous impacts on traditional industries. Manufacturers are faced with pressure to undergo transformation. Many of them have transformed into the type of tourism factory and adopted the innovative business model that combines production, services, and cultural creation. Puli Winery is one of the most successful cases of such transformation. However, its success has also motivated many other traditional brewery companies to take similar actions, resulting in an escalation of competition among them. What are the critical successful factors of Puli Brewery that keep it at the competitive edge is the purpose of the study. Based on Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP), this study developed an expert questionnaire to investigate the critical successful factors of Puli Brewery based on . the internal and external environment setting, characteristics fo products, recreation and tourism, cultural and creative thinking, management strategy, and industrial synergy. Results showed that the top two dimensions in the first hierarchy were “business strategy” and “product characteristics”; the top three dimensions in the second hierarchy were “selling products of Taiwan Tobacco and Liquor Corporation”, “selling products with a theme of the brewery”, and “selling products with liquor themes”, all of which were sub-criteria of “product characteristics”. Hence, “business strategy” and “product characteristics” are the critical successful factors of Puli Brewery.