魯迅一生翻譯了五部童話,這五部童話象徵他心目中兒童文學的典範,也反映了他的兒童文學觀。但一直以來,學界在對魯迅的兒童文學觀進行研究時,多半只以他的創作為考察範圍,而忽略對其童話譯作的開發;目前,以前者為主的研究,學界出現歧異,因此針對魯迅的兒童文學觀研究,我們有必要再尋求另一個參照體。童話譯作適可彌補這塊空白。 本論文嘗試以魯迅的童話譯作為重點考察範圍,結合魯迅的文學觀與思想重心為佐證,更以現今魯研界的研究方向──魯迅的人學思想為切入視角,來重新審察魯迅的兒童文學觀。從而發現魯迅的兒童文學觀有四個主要概念:第一是由「愛」的兒童觀與強調「真實」的文學觀共同組成的「愛與真實」的兒童文學觀;第二是強調反抗外在奴役,培養獨立自主人格,並能適應時代潮流的「反奴性,倡獨立」的兒童文學觀;第三是強調在科學與人性間求取平衡的「科學與人性兼顧」的兒童文學觀;第四是能以樂觀態度面對未來挑戰,並永遠以「希望」為信念的兒童文學觀。這四個觀念不僅體現在魯迅的童話譯作中,也在他雜文等創作中不斷被反覆申論,是魯迅重要的思想價值。 魯迅的四項兒童文學觀其中心立旨在於對理想人性的闡發,而且認為「童心」便是這理想人性的高度呈現。雖然他的兒童文學觀強調與真實人生的連結,帶有深沉的社會關懷與時代性,但是魯迅對童心的讚揚與守護,使他的兒童文學觀毫無疑問是「走向童心」的方向,不是社會本位的兒童文學觀。魯迅透過童話譯作所體現的兒童文學觀,不僅具有時代意義也具有普世價值:因此他所翻譯的童話能超越時代的侷限,至今仍保有閱讀的生命力。 Lu Xun had translated five foreign chilldren’s literatures in his life. These five translation works represent his models of chilldren’s literature, and reflect his viewpoints on children’s literature. However, the researches about Lu Xun’s concepts of children’s literature in academic circle are all based on the field of Lu Xun’s essays and his other writings, but ignore his translation works of children’s literature. Presently this way of researches draws discordant conclusions, so we have to search for another object of study for reference. Consequently, Lu Xun’s translation works of children’s literature become one of the critical objects to refer. This thesis tries to reinvestigate Lu Xun’s concepts of children’s literature by subsuming his translation works of children’s literature and to connect both his outlook on literature and the core of his thought. Furthermore, this thesis studies with a viewpoint on Lu Xun’s humanity-ology in order to provide a new angle to comprehend Lu Xun’s concepts of children’s literature. Then we found there are four main points in Lu Xun’s concepts of children’s literature. The first is “Love and Reality”. It bases on the viewpoint on children of “Love” and the viewpoint on literature of “Reality”. The second is “Resisting servility; promoting independence”. It emphasizes that everyone should resist external slavery, cultivate the independent personality and keep pace with the trend of times. The third is “Balance between science and humanity”. It stresses that we should take into account both science and humanity. The fourth is “Keeping hope for future”. It illustrates that taking optimistic manner faces the oncoming challenge. These four concepts are embodied in Lu Xun’s translation works of children’s literature; moreover, they are expounded in his essays and other writings. They’re Lu Xun’s important thoughts. The center aim of the concepts of Lu Xun's children’s literatures is elucidate the ideal humanity. In his opinion, “Childlike innocence” is the ultimate incarnation of ideal humanity.Although his concepts of children's literature emphasizes the links with real life and a deep concern for society and the times, but he praised and guarded the childlike innocence, so his concepts of children's literature is undoubtedly "toward innocence" not community-based. Lu Xun’s concepts of children’s literature reflected from his translation works are not only meaningful to his age, but also of great worth in modern times. So that his translation works of children’s literature still have the reading vitality beyond the limit of time.