本文以台南市後壁高中100學年度、101學年度與100至101兩個學年度的應屆畢業生其在校三年的縱橫資料(panel data)進行迴歸分析,100學年度的畢業生共有177人含1062個樣本;101學年度的畢業生共有251人含1506個樣本。探討坐姿體前彎、一分鐘屈膝仰臥起坐、立定跳遠與耐力跑走此四項體適能成績與國英數此三科學業成績之關係。本文之結論如下:1.各項體適能成績對國英數此三門學科的學業成績皆具有正向的影響關係。然而,立定跳遠(代表腿部瞬發力)對國文科的影響卻是負相關。2.雖然大部份的體適能成績與國英數此三門學科成績具有正向關係,但是隨著體適能成績的增加,學科的成績並未隨著以遞增的速度或遞減的速度在增加。只有耐力跑走成績的增加會帶動數學成績以遞增的速度增加。3.心肺適能(以耐力跑走來測量)與學業成績最具有穩定的相關性。 本文提出如下建議,供學校、教師、學生與家長參考:1.本文研究結果顯示,增加身體活動時間並不會降低學業表現,甚至對學業成就有正向的影響效益,因此,家長與教師應該鼓勵學生多從事體育活動,減少靜態的坐姿活動。2.既然體育活動可以促進學業表現,則學校的體育課應受到重視與回歸正常化,不要淪為可有可無的營養學分課程。3.由於各項體適能運動對於各學科的影響不同,所以學校應該依學生的性向來規劃適合學生參與的體適能活動供學生選修,至於對於國英數此三科的學業成績皆有正向影響的耐力跑走,則可以列為學生的必修項目。4.老師、家長與學生應該都要有自我要求的精神,培養能持續到老的運動習慣,惟有個人的自覺,才會化被動為主動。大家應該認知,健康才是人生的根本,因擁有健康而帶來的優異成績或財富,都是建立在身心健康之上。 The study was based on the three years panel data in school for regression analysis of graduating students in Tainan Hou-Bi Senior High School during year 100 and 101. It surveyed 1062 samples of 177 graduating students in year 100 and 1506 samples of 251 graduating students in year 101. It aimed to investigate the influences of physical fitness performance on academic performance in senior high school. The physical fitness performances include four courses, they’e sit and reach test, the curl – ups, standing broad jump and cardiovascular. The academic performances based on Mandarin, English and Mathematics. The results found as followings:1. Each physical fitness performance had positive correlation with academic performances but standing broad jump. On the contrary, there’s negative correlation between the performance of standing broad jump (leg power) and the performance of Mandarin.2. The academic performances didn’t become better or worse as the better performances appeared in physical fitness although most physical fitness performance had positive correlation with academic performances. Only better performance in Mathematics appeared with better cardiovascular performance. 3. The performance of cardiorespiratory fitness (the Run-Walk Exercise) and the performance of academic had most stable correlation. Some suggestions for schools, teachers, students and parents proposed in the study are as follows:1. According to the research findings, the increase in physical exercise time does not cripple students’ academic performance. On the contrary, it has positive influence on their academic achievement. Therefore, parents and teachers should encourage students to take more participation in physical activities and cut down on inactive seated activities.2. Since physical activities can promote students’ academic performance, PE class should be valued and normalized rather than being a nonessential credits.3. Owing to different influence of physical fitness exercise on subjects, school should arrange appropriate physical fitness courses according to their aptitude. As to the cardiorespiratory bearing positive relationship toward scores of Mandarin, English and Mathematics, it is suggested to be an essential course.4. Teachers, parents and students should adopt a self-demanding attitude and develop an ever-lasting exercise habit. Everyone should recognize that health is the foundation of life Because both excellent performance and wealth are established upon mental and physical health.