我國自民國87年開始實施隔週休二日制,民國90年實施公務人員週休二日制,使得國人的休閒時間增加,旅遊活動的需求也逐漸提升。2013年交通部觀光局推動「臺灣觀光年曆」,預估全年將可吸引2,300萬人次的國內外旅客參與,並可望會有近200億包括住宿、餐飲及購物之觀光關聯性經濟效益產出。 本研究以曾經在南投縣杉林溪森林遊樂區住宿的旅客為調查對象,探討消費者生活型態、滿意度與再宿意願之間的關係,以提供旅館業者在市場區隔及經營策略的參考。本研究採用立意抽樣問卷調查法,有效回收問卷為355 份。利用SPSS相關分析與迴歸分析,針對消費者生活型態、滿意度與再宿意願之關係進行研究。 本研究發現:一、杉林溪森林遊樂區旅客的生活型態對滿意度有正向的影響。二、杉林溪森林遊樂區旅客的生活型態對再宿意願有正向的影響。三、杉林溪森林遊樂區旅客的滿意度對再宿意願有正向的影響。 Since two weekends a month had been implemented from 1998 and then two-day weekend has been carried out from 2001, the leisure time for people has been increased dramatically. The demands of outdoor activities have been grow up gradually as well. In 2013, Tourism Bureau, Rep. of China, has promoted “Taiwan tourism event”, which will attract about 23 million tourists domestically and internationally and expect 20 billion NT dollars in economic benefits for hotels, restaurants, shop stores, and etc. The purpose of this study was to explore the relationship among life style, satisfaction and revisit intention of consumers who had stayed at SunLinkSea Amusement Park, Nantou County. And then, provide these information for the hosts as a reference while planning market segmentation and management strategies.The study was based on purposive sampling and the quantity of the effective response is 355. Applying SPSS correlation analysis and regression analysis to conduct the study for the relationship among life style, satisfaction, and revisit intention of consumers. The findings of this study include: 1. The life style factor has positive effect on the satisfaction. 2.The life style factor has positive effect on the revisit intention. 3.The satisfaction factor has positive effect on the revisit intention.