摘要: | 根據聯合國世界衛生組織(World Health Organization, WHO)所訂的指標,老年人口總數達全國總人口數的7%以上為高齡化社會(aging society)。而台灣在1993 年時, 65 歲以上老人人口數有1,490,801 人,占總人口數7.1%,已達到世界衛生組織的高齡化社會指標。 我國政府雖在1980年就公布了「老人福利法(Senior Citizens Welfare Act)」以做為推動老人政策的依據,也在內政部的老人福利政策中,提出了「建立社區照顧關懷據點實施計畫」,以促進社區老人身心健康、落實在地老化及社區營造為目標,在各縣市建立照顧據點。但是,各級政府與民間團體大多著重於殘障、失智、失能與獨居長者的照護。 雖然目前各縣市鄉鎮藉由社區托老所的設置來落實內政部的「建立社區照顧關懷據點實施計畫」,希望能為健康的長者提供綿密的照顧體系。但是,目前各社區托老所的營運仍屬草創初期,且多由社區志工媽媽參與協助。本文認為在未來,居家、社區照顧會是民眾比較願意選擇的方案,而且這也是未來的國際趨勢。 故本文透過便利抽樣(convenient sampling)進行調查,以了解社區托老所能滿足長者與子女在哪方面的需求,並且透過問卷調查,以了解受訪者希望社區托老所能提供哪些項目的服務,並藉由 t 檢定與單因子變異數分析來進行差異性分析,以了解受訪者各項基本背景資料對問卷內容的影響差異。茲將所得結論與建議說明於後。 就受訪者的基本資料而言,由回收的問卷發現:受訪者以女性居多,年齡多在41 歲以上;學歷方面以大學或專科畢業者為多數,多數從事服務業工作;受訪者中以雙親家庭與長輩同住(或與已婚子女一家人同住)為多數,而平均月收入在2-4 萬者為最多。 就設置社區托老所的需求程度與內容而言,大部分的社會大眾認為由「地方政府」來籌辦社區托老所較為合適,且以「借用村里活動中心」來設置托老所最為恰當。大部分的社會大眾認為收托長者的天數以「一週五天」最適合,收托時間以「全天八小時」最為恰當。若收托半天則以「上午八時至中午十二時」最恰當,至於收托全天則以「上午八時至下午四時」最恰當。在課程規劃方面,以贊成「休閒活動」課程的人數為最多,大部分的社會大眾認為適合半日托長者的膳食以「點心+午餐」最佳;若是全日托則以「點心+午餐+下午茶」最佳。最後,社會大眾認為社區醫療診所至托老所駐診的次數以「一週兩次」最恰當。 就受訪者之基本資料對影響社區托老所設置需求因素的差異性分析而言:(一).女生比男生更重視心理層面上的照顧和經濟層面上的支出與收入。(二).綜合而言,年齡層愈大者,皆認為設置社區托老所可以讓長者或子女們在生理層面、心理層面、經濟層面、時間層面與生活品質層面獲得較大的滿足;反之年齡層愈小者,則對設置社區托老所比較沒有太大的感受。(三).社會大眾對影響社區托老所設置需求因素的看法,不會因教育程度不同而產生認知上的差異。(四).由於學生尚未進入職場,且年紀尚輕,無社會經驗,故對長者或子女等各構面的需求強度都不若各行各業強烈,特別是與農林漁牧業和服務業相比,學生對長者的心理層面需求、子女的經濟層面需求與子女的時間層面需求之認知程度都相對較低。(五).社會大眾對影響社區托老所設置需求因素的看法,不會因受訪者家庭狀況的不同而產生認知上的差異。(六).所得水準較高的受訪者對影響社區托老所設置的長者生理需求與子女時間需求因素之重視程度高於所得水準較低者。這也反映出有錢的人對於長輩生理層面的重視和自己時間調配權的要求。 This study aims to explore what influences the establishment of a day care center for the aged. First, a questionnaire survey is conducted. We analyzed the basic background obtained from it with descriptive statistics, and set about the difference analysis with the t-test and the one-way ANOVA then. Finally, we bring up some concrete suggestions for any relevant units. According to the result of the survey, in the aspect of basic background, female predominates among the respondents and most of the respondents are aged over 41. As for the educational background, most of them graduated from the college or the university and most engage in the service industry. Among the respondents, those who are two-parent family and live with the elderly (or whose children are married and live with all the family) and those whose monthly income are $20.000- $40,000 are in majority. As far as the plan of the day care center for the aged is concerned, most people think it the best choice that the local government takes charges of the establishment of it, and it is accepted that the institution should be located at the local activity center. Most consider that the day care center for the aged had better be available 5 days per week and 8 hours per day. As for the business hour, it is better to be available from 8 a.m. to 12 a.m. (half-day) or from 8 a.m. to 16 p.m. (whole day). When it comes to the course arrangement, courses related to leisure activities are the most popular choices. Besides, it will be great if the meals inclusive of lunch and some snacks are served in the half-day courses or meals including of lunch, some snacks and afternoon tea in the whole day courses. Last but not least, most of the respondents consider that free clinic service had better be available twice a week. According to the difference analysis of the respondents’ basic backgrounds about the factors influencing the needs of establishing a day care center for the aged:1. The female thinks of the mental care and the financial situation more highly than the male does.2. In general, it is accepted, especially for the elder people, that the establishment of the day care center for the aged satisfies the elderly or their children to a large extent on every aspects (the physical, the mental, the economic and the time aspect). In contrast, younger people tend to have no idea about it.3. About the needs of establishing the day care center, there is no difference between the people with different educational background.4.Because the student are too young and lack of social experience, in some aspects of the aged’s needs and the children’s, especially the mental needs of the aged, the economic situation and the time arrangement of the children, they appear much more indifferent than those with any other careers.5. About the needs of establishing the day care center, there is no difference between the people with different composition of their family.6. Compared with the respondents with lower income level, those with higher income level think much more highly of the physical needs of the elderly and the time of their children. It also reveals what the rich treasure the most. |