本研究從「在地老化」觀點來探討社區如何發揮在地性、小型性、可近性之優勢以及家庭如何發揮支持及照護高齡者2的功能,進而讓高齡者發揮所長並貢獻於社區。 本研究採用田野調查與深度訪談法,探討個案,得到下列四項主要發現:1、 高齡者喜歡在自己熟悉的環境下老化,所以社區的在地性、小型性、可近性之優勢足以彌補政府社會福利的不足之處。2、 透過親情的關愛、關心 ,讓高齡者能更踏實、溫馨的度過老年生活。3、 發揮社區本身文化產業,透過社會企業的經營管理理念,可望能自足財源。4、 活到老,學到老;學到老,活到老;終身學習可讓高齡者延緩老化;強化學習的動機,讓每位高齡者都能有夢想、實現夢想,也藉由發揮各人所長,讓高齡者活得更有價值。 This study aims to explore community-based welfare issues from the perspective of aging-in place. It looks into the advantages of the community through localization, aggregation and accessibility as well as support from families. Thus, senior citizens can get good care and also contribute to the society. The study uses field study and in-depth interviews to analyze a case study, four major findings can be derived as the following:1.Senior citizens prefer to stay in familiar environment after retirement. Thus, the advantages of localization, aggregation and accessibility in the community can compensate the insufficient welfare services offered by the government.2.Family love and care allows the elderly enjoy a better life in aging. 3.Sufficient self-financing is possible to achieve by developing community cultural industry and improving management of social enterprise in the community. 4.Lifelong learning can help to delay aging process, and let elderly discover and realize their dreams and capabilities; thus enjoy more valuable life.