本研究目的在探討如何建置適合國小師生使用的校園植物解說牌。主要研究對象為嘉義市興安國小的教師51位及高年級學童336位。首先利用田野調查以了解嘉義市國小校園植物解說牌設置現況,再以問卷及訪談,進一步了解國小學童及教師對於校園植物解說牌的使用情況和需求,接著輔以專家意見及設計理論,進行「新式校園植物解說牌」的建置和試用,最後進行第二次問卷及訪談,調查學童和教師對「新式校園植物解說牌」的滿意度,以評估此校園植物解說牌是否適當。 研究結果發現:一、目前國小校園植物解說牌並無一定的建置規範,各校依經費及需求各自為政,大部分都是委託廠商統一製作。二、師生皆認為校園植物解說牌的建置是必要的,但現行的解說牌部分內文實用性低且不易理解,並不符合師生需求。三、「新式校園植物解說牌」的版面大小、形狀、顏色適宜,內容表達清楚、照片清晰、有QR Code功能,所以讓學童與教師很滿意,而且刪除了植物的學名和英文名,不影響他們對植物的認識。 最後,本研究根據研究結果,呈現新的植物解說牌模式和已設計完成的植物解說牌,並針對解說牌之版面設計、內容編排、設置方式及研究方向提出一些具體建議,供未來有興趣的老師或研究者參考。 The purpose of this research was to explore how to set up identification placards that are suitable for teachers and students in elementary school. The subject is 51 teachers and 336 students of fifth and sixth grades in Sing-an elementary school. In this research, the field research was conducted to know the current situation of identification placards setting. By questionnaire survey and interviews, the use of placards and the need of students and teachers in Sing-an elementary school were understood. Then, based on the professional suggestions and the design theory, the identification placards were development and established and followed by another questionnaire survey and interviews which were done to investigate the satisfaction of the new identification placards and therefore to evaluate the properness. The result indicated that (1) the identification placards were not developed according to any regulations but set up according to the demand and budget of each school. Most of the placards were manufactured by consigned companies, (2) teachers and students considered it necessary to set up identification placards, but the contents of the current placards are hard to figure out and thus not feasible for educational use in elementary schools, and (3) the size, colors and form of the new identification, leaving out the Latin names and English names, the placards are suitable with explicit content and photos, plus the QR code, which satisfied the needs of students and teachers. Based on the conclusion of this research, the concrete suggestions about layouts, organization of the contents and the way to set up the placards were provided for future research direction.