本研究探討樂趣化跳繩運動課程對於國小學童健康體適能的影響。 本研究採取準實驗設計之不等組前後測,以五十八位國小五年級學童參與本實驗的對象研究,進行為期十二週計畫性的樂趣化跳繩運動課程,其中實驗組進行十二週、每週三天、每天四十分鐘樂趣化跳繩運動課程;對照組不施予任何運動訓練。經過十二週樂趣化跳繩課程測驗所得的前測、後測的數據,以前測成績為共變項,進行「共變數分析檢定」分析兩組體適能。研究結果如下:一、樂趣化跳繩運動課程對於國小學童BMI無顯著影響。二、樂趣化跳繩運動課程對於國小學童柔軟度無顯著影響。三、樂趣化跳繩運動課程對於國小學童瞬發力有顯著影響。四、樂趣化跳繩運動課程對於國小學童肌耐力無顯著影響。五、樂趣化跳繩運動課程對於國小學童心肺適能有顯著影響。 經由本研究的分析,樂趣化跳繩活動介入後,學童體適能有所提升,尤其是在心肺適能與瞬發力方面。晨間時間是最能利用的時間,加上跳繩運動場地限制少、費用便宜,實在適合鼓勵學生在校跳繩運動,養成每天規律運動的習慣,強化體適能,培養活力青少年。 The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of interesting rope skipping activity on health physical fitness of the fifth grade students in the elementary school. The fifty-eight students in the fifth grade take part in the experiment study. The experimental group attended interesting rope skipping activity ( 40 min/day, 3 days/week) for twelve weeks; the control group wasn’t trained. The researcher collected the data after twelve weeks training and had statistics by SPSS for Windows Rev.18.0. The analysis was based on Analysis of covariance,(ANCOVA)for figuring out the difference for physical fitness of the groups. The statistic value of this test is α =.05The results of the tests are as follows:1.Interesting rope skipping activity is unable to improve the BMI of elementary school students.2.Interesting rope skipping activity is unable to improve the flexibility of elementary school students. 3.Interesting rope skipping activity is able to improve the power of elementary school students. 4.Interesting rope skipping activity is unable to improve the muscular endurance of elementary school students. 5.Interesting rope skipping activity is able to improve the cardiopulmonary endurance of elementary school students.