近十年來,旅客多透過電子商店消費旅遊服務或進行線上旅遊行程購買,且人數有倍增的成長趨勢。本研究針對遊客購買國外旅遊商品的通路滿意度進行問卷調查,以瞭解遊客消費後的滿意度是否會對旅遊產品服務品質、整體滿意度與再購買願造成影響。研究結果顯示: 一、網路購物及電視購物在旅遊產品的滿意度與重視度,在服務品質、安全性、有用性上之具顯著差異;滿意度與重視度在易用性則不具顯著差異 二、電視平台與網路平台的消費者都最滿意「電視購物能讓我節省更多時間去完成交易」;電視平台與網路平台的消費者都最重視「電視購物的旅行社是具有良好信譽及口碑的」。 三、本研究在理論上提供電視平台與網路平台的消費者滿意度與重視度現況與IPA分析結果,對未來研究具有參考價值。 四、本研究在實務上提供電視平台與網路平台的經營方向建議,以提供消費者更滿意的服務。 此外,依IPA進行分析後,結果如下: 一、繼續保持區有網路成本與品質構面和電視服務品質 二、低順位區有此電視安全性、電視有用性、電視易用性、網路有用性和網路易用性 三、加強改善區有網路安全性 四、使用網路平台的受訪者在「成本與品質滿意度」、「成本與品質重要度」、「安全性滿意度」、「安全性重要度」、「有用性滿意度」、「有用性重要度」、「滿意度總平均」、「重要總平均」皆高於電視購物平台。 Over the past decade, more tourists have purchased travel services and packages through online orTV shopping channels, and the number has doubled in the growing trend. Online shopping and TV shopping are much competitiveand interchangeable to each other. Thus, this study focuses on the service quality and satisfaction ofoutbound tourists’ traveling product through website and TV shopping as well as understanding whetherthis purchase behavior affected consumer future buying desire and decision. The study results are shown as the follows: The first quadrant means to continue. What falls in this section is the aspect of the Internet and TV service qualities. The third quadrant is a loworder section. It means TV security, usefulness and accessibility as well as the Internet usefulness and accessibility. The fourth quadrant is theimprovement section, which is the internet security.Respondents using the Internet platform rate higher than using TV purchasingplatform in "service quality satisfaction", "service quality importance","security satisfaction", "security importance", "accessibility satisfaction","usefulness importance", "overall satisfaction" and "overall importance".