熱氣球活動是近年來臺灣新興的觀光休閒活動,在歐美各國推展已行之有年並成為重要的休閒活動之一;雖然臺灣才剛起步,但已逐漸受到旅遊市場的重視。臺東縣政府於100年舉辦全臺首次的熱氣球活動並成功行銷臺東觀光之後,各縣市政府莫不順應潮流極力推展熱氣球活動替地方觀光事業帶來蓬勃的商機,熱氣球活動儼然已成為各地方相當熱門的觀光休閒活動。本研究將以探討臺東熱氣球嘉年華活動的觀光吸引力、滿意度及觀光休閒效益做為研究方向;研究方式是佐以文獻分析法,並以質性研究中深度訪談法的半結構式訪談法針對個別現象或資料進行分析、探索,並從研究參與者經驗中加以分析、歸納出具有共通性的原則或趨向關係。根據研究結果,本研究建議當地政府應以熱氣球觀光為行銷手法,舉辦以熱氣球為主題的觀光活動,並結合地方資源與特色,並針對季節與空間,做為活動項目的妥善規劃,並增加熱氣球活動吸引力所帶來的地方經濟效益,最後亦提出熱氣球活動在臺灣未來的發展趨勢與建議。 Hot air balloon events have emerged in recent years. It has become a major leisure activity, as Taiwan, the United States and Europe have been promoting this tourism and leisure activity for years. Although Taiwan is just getting started, but has been gaining attention of the tourism market. Taiwan's Taitung County Government held its first hot-air balloon event in 2011 and successfully marketed Taitung sightseeing. The city and county governments followed up on this trend to strongly promote hot air balloon activities, which provided a boom in local tourism and increased opportunities. Hot air ballooning has become a very popular local tourism and leisure activity. This research paper will study the appeal of the tourism development and planning for the Taitung Balloon Festival, exploring satisfaction and leisure benefits as measurements. The research approach is accompanied by literature analysis, and qualitative research through in-depth semi-structured interviews to identify individual trends and analyze data, to explore and analyze the experience of the study participants, and to summarize the principles of commonality or relative trends. According to the findings, this study suggests that local governments should improve marketing practices for hot air balloon sightseeing, organize sightseeing activities related to hot air ballooning, combine it with local color and flavor, in the locality during the right season. With well-planned project activities and increased attractiveness of local economic activities brought about by hot air ballooning, these activities will be a positive influence on future development in Taiwan.