補習教育在台灣被視為學生壓力的最大來源,學生在補習班中受著龐大的升學與課業壓力。因此教育部不斷的更改課程內容與升學方式,期望減少學生的壓力,並且使補習教育從台灣消逝,然而在十數年的教育改革中,補習班卻始終屹立不搖,令人費解。 筆者透過在補習班工作經驗,重新檢視補習班的功能,發現由於學校教育制度的多元化、社會風氣與觀念的改變,家庭結構的改變等種種因素,現在的補習班並不是單純的僅有學科教學功能,同時還擁有的社會與心理功能,而這些社會與心理因素,正是家長、學生依賴補習班的深層原因。 而正因為補習班功能的多元化,若僅是從學科學習角度來改革教育制度,而忽略家長、學生在社會、心理方面的需求,如此一來想要使補習班消失則將會徒勞無功。 The cram school is considered the most stressed for students in Taiwan. Students feel a tremendous pressure academically in the cram school. Thus, Ministry of Education has changed the contents of curriculum and the ways of Entering a higher school. They hope it can reduce students' pressure and make the cram school in Taiwan disappeared. However, the cram school remains for few ten of years. The author reviews the functions of the cram school through the working experiences in the cram school. The study shows the functions of modern cram school is not only in academic, but in social and psychological. That's because of diversification in education system, the changing of social values and conceptions, and etc. However, the factors of social and psychological are the deeply factors that parents and students depend on the cram school. Because of diversification of functions in the cram school, we have to reform education system not only from the academic point of view, but from parents and students' demand of social and psychological. Otherwise, to make the cram school disappeared would be in vain.