摘要: | 台灣的臉書用戶高達數百萬甚至上千萬人,以年青的學生族群佔大宗,多數學生見面時,彼此的話題多半圍繞在臉書上面,可以想見其對學生的影響甚鉅。本研究的對象是這個族群,旨在探討國中學生使用臉書社群網站的現況與持續使用行為的影響因素。因此,研究模型是以持續使用意願作為果構面BI(Behavior Intension);遠因中的現況分成兩個構面:一般性的人格特質(PER, PERsonality)與特殊性電腦自我效能(CSE, Computer Self-Efficiency);正可引用科技接受模式的主要理論基礎,來關聯彼此的因果,在近因的中介變數中納入了知覺易用性(PEU, Perceived Easy of Use) 和知覺有用性(PU, Perceived Usefulness),並且設計一個新的構面同儕認知(PFR, Perceived Friend Relationship),試圖反映出年青學生族群的社群行為!因此,我們透過問卷量表來收集量化的數據,以瞭解國中生的臉書使用持續性之影響因素,利用科技接受模式(TAM, Technology Acceptance Model)作問卷資料的統計分析,相較於一般的研究成果,此結果顯示:TAM的核心4構面(CSE, PEU, PU, BI) 之路徑係數估計值之相對高低是一致的!而同儕認知(PFR) 則取代了知覺有用性(PU)成為主要影響因素,此果構面可被同儕認知、知覺有用性、知覺易用性等三構面解釋到55.5%;值得注意的是,PFR受到PU、PEU、PER等三構面的顯著直接影響,解釋率高達71.2%。就整體效果而言,PEU是影響PU 與PFR的最重要因素,印證了臉書用戶喜歡使用上的平易近人。其他相關問題也將加以討論。 Facebook is an online social networking service. There are millions of users in Taiwan, most of them are students. It is observed that most students talk about Facebook when they meet. This shows Facebook might play an important role in their life. This research is aimed to teenagers’ Facebook usages situation and what are the factors keep middle school students using Facebook. Thus, our study model uses their Behavior Intension (BI) as the effect construct and the constructs of PERsonality(PER) as well as Computer Self-Efficiency (CSE) for the exogenous variables. Among these, we have Perceived Usefulness(PU) and Perceived Ease of Use(PEU) as the endogenous variables forming Technology Acceptance Model (TAM). In addition, Perceived Friend Relationship(PFR) is constructed for another endogenous variable. Based on this, we use questionnaire to collect and analyze quantitative data of factors keep middle school students continue using Facebook. The resulting shows that the 4 factors (CSE, PEU, PU, BI) estimates value are consistent. The PFR replaces PU as the main influence factor and PFR、PU、PEU leads to explain 55.5% variation of the effect construct. Note that the PFR are directly influenced by PU、PEU、PER leading to 71.2%. On the overall effect, PEU is the most important factor that affecting PU and PFR which reflects that the user like the accessibility of Facebook. Related issues are also discussed. |