近年來,台灣企業開始使用工作流程管理系統(Workflow Management System,WFMS)的導入,希望能整合公司內部的人事行政、財會薪資、業務銷售以及生產管理等等作業流程中的產出資訊。WFMS以電子化方式將各式表單、公文以做e化簽核,達到即時、有效率、無紙化、資訊通透化的優點,使企業經營運作更有效率。另外, 藉由電子化工作流程(e-Workflow)的系統建置來平行處理相關文件送審、線上決議管理與不同單位中的大量訊息溝通協調等事宜,可以縮短作業流程,加速工作進度之推展,真正達到無紙化的功效。 使用者滿意度是衡量系統成功的重要方式之一,本文主要在於探討e-Workflow的使用者滿意度。我們採用資訊系統成功模型,來做為問卷的理論依據。問卷調查結果顯示,e-Workflow系統最應該加強的部份為「系統品質」中運作的穩定度,而在與資訊管理人員的溝通方式是最為滿意。 In recent years, Taiwanese companies use Workflow Management System (WFMS) for the ouput of information processing. WFMS integrates the company's internal personnel administration, payroll accounting, business sales and production management, etc. It presents all kinds of electronic forms and documents in order to make real-time e-signoff, efficient, paperless, transparent information technology advantages. WFMS enables enterprises to operate more efficiently. In addition, electronic workflow (e-Workflow) can build a system of parallel processing documents submitted for review, online management and resolution of a large number of different units to communicate a message and coordination issues. Therefore, it can shorten processes, accelerate forward progress of the work, to achieve really paperless efficacy. The degree of user satisfaction is an important way to measure the success of the system. This paper investigates the e-Workflow user satisfaction. We use the information system success model as a theoretical basis of the questionnaire. The survey results show that the operation stabilty of the “System Quality” in e-Workflow system should be enhanced. In the issue of communication ways among the MIS personnel is the most satisfied.