在這個知識經濟的時代,閱讀無疑已是一門顯學,尤其是在現今的國小教育階段。然而,另一方面,依然有些學校面臨了圖書資源缺乏的困境,愛的書庫之成立,提供了教師豐富多元的圖書教材,正好適度填補了這樣圖書資源不足的缺口。 推廣本圖書資訊系統的利用率,很重要的一點是找出影響持續使用行為的因素。因此,本研究採用了科技接受模式(TAM)為主要研究模型,除了探討TAM核心的兩個變項—知覺易用性、知覺有用性對持續使用行為之影響外,更於中介變項中引入了知覺相容性構面,以期對持續使用行為意願有更多面向的研究與探討。此外,以資訊品質及資訊素養為外部變項,則是著眼於分析系統及使用者的現況及其影響。在確立了這樣的研究架構之後,更以問卷調查的方式蒐集所需的研究資訊,以分析構面間之因果關係,研究對象為實際使用本系統之嘉義地區國小教師,共計發放150份問卷,實際回收136份,有效問卷則為120份。 研究結果顯示,知覺有用性受到知覺易用性之顯著影響,知覺相容性能顯著影響知覺有用性及知覺易用性。持續使用行為之變異量有 77.6% 能被三個近因構面所解釋,其中知覺相容性對持續使用有著最強大之顯著影響效果,其次依序為知覺有用性及知覺易用性,而外部變項則需透過三個中介變項來間接影響持續使用行為。 The action of reading is crucial in the nowadays intellectual society and is especially important during the age of elementary school. Some schools are now facing the lack of book resources. Establishment of Philanthropic Library has provided teachers with abundant reading materials that can complement the lack of book resources. Understanding the element that influences the Behavior Intention is significant to pursue popularize usage of Philanthropic Library Information System. This research studies the behavior intention by adopting the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) and takes into account of its two core factors, Perceived Ease of use (PE) and Perceived Usefulness (PU), with the introduce of Perceived Compatibility (PC) as a mediator. To take into consideration of the analysis system status and user status, Information Quality (IQ) and Information Literacy (IL) were considered as external variables. After the establishment of the research structure, 150 questionnaires were given out to the elementary school teachers in Chiayi, Taiwan. A total 136 questionnaires were responded, with 120 of them considered valid. The results showed that 77.6% variance of behavior intention could be explained by the 3 studied factors. PC was showed to have the most significant influence to behavior intention, followed by PU and PE. The external variables showed to influence behavior intention through the 3 studied factors. Our results also indicated that PC significantly influenced PE and PU, whereas PU was also found to influence PE as well.