「警察職權行使法」條文內容主要在於如何調和理論與實務,如何均衡治安與人權,如何妥善處理人民、警察、國家三者間互動之關係;對警察而言,實具有劃時代之重大意義,將使警察於職權行使時,有明確之法律授權依據,符合法治國家警察依法行政之原則;再者,本法係屬初創,旨在為警察職權法制奠基,內容掛一漏萬之處,自所難免,冀望於施行後繼續充實,尤須全體警察人員共同關注,並隨時提供增修意見,俾相關業務單位參酌修正,使本法能在兼顧保障人民權益之前提下,充分授予警察為達成治安任務所需要之權限。 警察「臨檢」職權的發動行使,涉及人民權利義務的牽動,必須要有法律的明確授權,始符合法治國家依法行政原則,故本論文擬以警察「臨檢」職權執行制度為研究主軸,以行政法學的觀點為基礎,探討「警察職權行使法」條文中有關「臨檢」的法理原則,使本法能在兼顧保障人民權益之前提下,充分授予警察為達成治安任務所需要之權限,並期能奠定警察「臨檢」職權行使制度的理論根基。 To call ‘spot check’ into play involves people’s rights and responsibilities. It should be authorized definitely by law and conform to the principle of operation by law. So this paper drafts to focus on authority performance of police spot chceking, and bases the view of administrative law. By discussing the principle about spot checking in the clauses of Police Authority Performance Law, we hope that the police authority is adequately conferred to achieve the security duties under the premise that protect prople’s interests, and the academic basis of the institution of authority performance of police spot chceking is well established. The scope of the legal institution of police spot checking is rather complex. It’s restricted within what I have learned and the range of this paper, which tries to integrate related theories of constructing the legal institution of authority performance of police spot chceking and to interpret. Some synthetic and practical opinions are proposed here. Maybe they are not so practiced, we hope they will be some contributions to the legal institution of authority performance of police spot chceking.