我任職於彰化縣國小。在教學過程中,我發現高年級有一名新移民學童會花比其他學童更多的錢去購買文具用品,再細細觀察其他新移民學童,其消費內容似乎與非新移民學童消費行為不同,這使得我產生對「影響新移民學童與非新移民學童的消費行為及其原因的比較分析」此一主題探究的興趣。影響消費行為的因素會因為族群不同而有差異嗎? 本研究之研究對象為彰化縣二水鄉新移民學童與非新移民學童,研究者針對研究對象消費行為進行半結構式之深入訪談,並將訪談資料整理為文字稿,再將資料依據紮根理論(Grounded Theory)的分析檢驗程序,進行逐行編碼(initial line-by-line coding)、主軸編碼(axial coding),與選擇性編碼(selective coding)等分析步驟,本研究目的在於:一、發現此兩個族群消費行為模式。 二、發現並比較影響此兩個族群消費行為模式因素。三、於文末對未來研究提出建議。 研究結果顯示:一、新移民學童因主要照顧者生活在不同文化族群情境中,缺乏消費教養訊息,加上害怕被同儕團體責難,而發展出較非新移民學童明顯之從眾行為。二、此二族群學童家庭階級會經由主要照顧者影響學童的消費行為,而其影響力遠大於族群之差異。三、新移民學童雖因為家庭階級影響,以致消費行為無法符應社會環境中的主流消費觀念,但並不表示我們就可全盤否定其行為,此二族群消費行為實有可互相借鏡之處。 This case study aimed to explore factors influencing consumption behavior of new-immigrant children and non-immigrant children in Ershuei Township, Changhua Country, Taiwan. Eleven new-immigrant pupils and six non-immigrant pupils participated in this study. Semi-structured in-depth interviews were utilized to collect data. Data were analyzed based on grounded theory. The research results showed the following three main findings. First, the meaning and purpose of consumption behaviors differed between new-immigrant pupils and non-new-immigrant pupils. For example, because of the pursuit of peer recognition, new-immigrant children demonstrated herd behaviors in consumption. In contrast, non-new-immigrant children did not have such herd behaviors. Secondly, both class and ethnicity played a role in influencing both group’s consumption behaviors, but class had a stronger effect. Thirdly, children’s consumption behaviors were mainly shaped by family caregivers. If the caregivers failed to teach their children how to buy things wisely, their children would demonstrate weaker ability in their own consumption behaviors. Educational implications of this study were discussed, too.