近年來由於歐債問題,造成台灣景氣持續低迷,使得消費者整體消費力以及購買意願受到限制,且又以台灣百貨公司之高密度,導致國內百貨公司競爭激烈,除了面臨同業競爭之外,還得因應異業市場之瓜分,使得小型單店經營與無集團連鎖之支持百貨公司商業競爭逐日加劇。為了深入了解,本研究採用問卷調查的方式,透過曾赴耐斯松屋百貨公司的顧客進行便利抽樣。共發出799份問卷,回收有效問卷為750份,研究結果發現:1.服務品質與顧客忠誠呈正相關,其次假設。a.服務品質的有形性與顧客忠誠呈正相關。b.服務品質的可靠性與顧客忠誠呈正相關。c.服務品質的回應性與顧客忠誠呈正相關。d.服務品質的確實性與顧客忠誠呈正相關。e.服務品質的同理心與顧客忠誠呈正相關。2.轉換成本與顧客忠誠呈現正相關,其次假設。a.轉換成本的的程序轉換成本與顧客忠誠呈正相關。b.轉換成本的的財務轉換成本與顧客忠誠呈正相關。c.轉換成本的的關係轉換成本與顧客忠誠呈正相關。3.網路社群與顧客忠誠呈現正相關。4. 顧客專業知識群與顧客忠誠呈現正相關。 In recent years, due to the European debt problem, caused Taiwan’s economy remained in the doldrums, making the overall consumer spending power and willingness to buy is limited. The department stores in Taiwan are becoming increasingly sophisticated and completive. The purpose of this study is to explore the factors that influence customers’ loyalty, not only included switching costs, but also include service quality, product knowledge and internet community. We conduct a survey of department store’s customers in Chiayi using a convenience sampling method. A total of 799 questionnaires were delivered and 750 effective samples were obtained from the interview. The empirical study found service quality is positively to the customer loyalty; switching costs is positively to the customer loyalty; internet community is positively to the customer loyalty; customer expertise is negatively to the customer loyalty.