本文的研究目的在於探索國學大師章太炎(1868-1936)的醫學思想和他匯通中西醫學之模式。細分的研究目的有三:1.補足台灣學者對章太炎醫論研究的缺項。2.深入研究章太炎的《傷寒論》思想,豐富中醫學術的寬度。3.檢討章太炎對匯通中西醫的過程與結論。 太炎先生的醫學思想,特重《傷寒論》,因此本文以其相關《傷寒論》之論述為研究文本。研究方法採用考據學,並參考勞思光先生的「基源問題研究法」而改變的「問題研究法」。考據學部分,其中文字聲韻學部分採用近年發展的研究《傷寒論》的「河洛語十五音」系統。 研究成果上,章太炎的《傷寒論》思想擺脫經脈的考慮,採柯琴的六經分部,呈現仲景學說質樸重療效的醫學思想。其中西醫學思想匯通的模式以《傷寒論》和西方解剖生理學為兩大原則,互相詮釋。本文研究太炎所重視的腸窒扶斯,並以此檢討其匯通中西醫學之缺失。其缺失在於機械式地以發病第幾天就專用某方,忽略了中醫病勢開方的原理。 本文的結論乃為太炎以《傷寒論》和西方解剖生理學為兩大原則的中西醫學匯通方式,以病證為主,而不以病因為主來匯通,在目前看來仍有其價值,只要恰當地分別其界限,如解剖學和中醫經筋學匯通,合則雙美。 The purpose of this paper is to explore the great masters Zhang Taiyan’s (1868-1936) medical thoughts that containing the integrating of traditional Chinese medicine and western medicine. The breakdown of the study has three purposes--making up the Taiwan scholars missing items on the of Zhang Taiyan medical theory, researching Taiyan’s thoughts about “Shang-Han-Lun”,and reviewing the process and conclusions of Taiyan’s integrating of traditional Chinese medicine and western medicine . Zhang Taiyan attached great importance to the “Shang-Han-Lun”, therefore as Zhang Taiyan’s discourses of “Shang-Han-Lun” for the text. The research methods are textual criticism and problem research methods. In addition, this paper uses the recent development of "Holo 15 tone" system on the study of the “Shang-Han-Lun”. The Taiyan’s medical thoughts excluded consideration of the meridians. He absorbed Ke Qin Six Classics segment. He presented the Zhongjing doctrine that was simple, and emphasis on the medical effects. Zhang Taiyan integrated traditional Chinese and western Medicine with the thoughts of “Shang-Han-Lun” and Anatomy and Physiology of western medicine. Taiyan attached great importance to the Typhoid Fever. I study the case and review its lack of integrating Chinese medicine and western medicine. His shortcomings in the first few days that the incidence dedicated a prescription. He neglected to follow the prescriptions of the disease situation. The conclusion is that Taiyan integrated traditional Chinese and western Medicine with the thoughts of “Shang-Han-Lun” and Anatomy and Physiology of western medicine still in the current view of its value.