摘要: | 本研究旨在瞭解台電公司志工之基本特質、工作屬性、參與服務動機及工作滿意度情形,以及單位目前志工運作方式、服務內容、獎勵措施與教育訓練等制度面與管理面之探討;同時並就未來志工運用之發展策略,包括SWOT分析、可行性分析及永續發展指標等進行研究分析。 本研究採用質性研究方法,在資料蒐集方面利用檔案資料法、深度訪談法與參與觀察法,將取得之資訊作分析與整理,試圖理解台電志工個人基本特質與參與經驗及台電志工整體運作概況。有關志工個人基本特質與參與經驗等方面研究結果發現:(一)雖然志工團企業志工以男性居多占55.71%,但在K書中心與服務中心營業廳之社會志工的女性比例則為73.3%;(二)年齡以51-60歲最多占48.57 %;(三)教育程度以大專以上居多占68.57%;(四)已婚比例占90 %;(五)從業身分以公教類最多占65.71 %;(六)有宗教信仰者達61.43%;(七)家庭平均每月收入以30001〜50000元最多,占27.14%;(八)居住型態以與配偶、子女居住最多占72.86%(九)自覺健康狀況良好占87.14%;(十)每週服務時數在4小時以下最多占78.57%;(十一)有68.57%過去並無社團參與經驗;(十二)擔任台電志工時間以未滿2年最多占77.14 %。 根據研究結果建議:1、避免身體狀況不佳志工影響服務成效;2、志工招募前需要擬定詳細的計畫與人力需求評估;3、廣招台電退休人員參與志願服務;4、妥善規劃志工教育訓練課程;5、表揚或獎(激)勵應適時;6、建立一套公平的考核評估制度;7、志工的動機是推動整個志工計畫的關鍵;8、多舉辦內部聯誼或外單位參訪觀摩活動;9、建立穩定有效和永續的志工制度;10、留住志工就是整個招募工作的延續。此外,建議台電應定期辦理「志工服務滿意度調查」或「志願服務狀況調查」,加強志工的目標管理,以及結合單位核心能力及當地的特色及社會需求,開發新領域多元志工服務類型,加強與社會資源的聯繫與結合,成為台電志工團隊之特點,與其他民間團體有明顯的差異性,將一併提供台電志工服務團隊規劃參考。 This study aims to understand the volunteers’ basic qualities, work properties, motivation of service participation, and work satisfaction in Taiwan Power Company(TPC). In addition, the aspects of the working of volunteers’ system, details of their service, the incentive system, the educational training, and how they are managed also examined. The developing tactics of volunteers in the future, including SWOT analysis, feasibility analysis, and index of sustainable development, will also be discussed in this study. This research method applied was Qualitative Research, in which research data were collected from archives, in-depth interview and participant observation to collect research data. Then research data were arranged and analyzed so as to understand the TPC volunteers’ basic qualities, their past experiences of being volunteers, and how the system of volunteers in the company work. The result of the study show that : (1) The percentage of male volunteers in TPC enterprise is 55.71%, while the percentage of female volunteers is 73.3%, (2) volunteers’ age ranging from 51 to 60 is 48.57%, (3) 68.57% of the volunteers’ education level is college graduate, (4) the ratio of married volunteers is 90%, (5) 65.71% of the volunteers are civil servants or teachers, (6) 61.43% of the volunteers have a religious faith, (7) 27.14% of the volunteers’ monthly average income ranges from 30001to 50000, (8) 72.86% of the volunteers lives with their spouse and children, (9) 87.14% of the volunteers feel themselves healthy, (10) 78.57% of the volunteers’ weekly service is below 4 hours, (11)68.57% of the volunteers have no experience with clubs, (12)77.14% of the volunteers’ experience about TPC volunteers is less than 2 years. We propose several suggestions: (1) The situation of service performance influenced by volunteers with physical problems should be avoided. (2) Evaluation about detailed projects and manpower requirement are needed before the recruiting of volunteers. (3) Volunteers will be better recruited from TPC retired employees. (4) Properly planned education and training to volunteers are highly suggested. (5)Praise and encouragement should be put into practice, (6) Fair system for assessment should be built up, (7) The motivation of volunteers for service should be taken seriously. (8) More activities, such as visiting other organizations, are needed. (9)Setting up the system of volunteers with sustainability and efficiency. (10) The volunteers should be kept. |