摘要: | 近年來,咖啡店在如雨後春筍般林立。每年幾百億的市場大餅,吸引業者紛紛投入,形成「三腳步一店」的情景。無庸置疑,咖啡文化使咖啡館與咖啡的需求量與日俱增,並朝著連鎖經營方向邁進。本研究透過文獻分析法與實地問卷調查及利用SPSS 統計分析模式來進行實證研究,期望對連鎖咖啡店消費者特性做更深入的瞭解。研究結果發現7- Eleven City Caf'e 連鎖咖啡店消費者之年齡層主要分佈31-50 歲;教育程度主要分佈在大專院校;職業主要分佈於軍公教與工商服務業且收入以20000 元以上居多。在消費者品牌權益、生活型態、服務品質與滿意度關係模式方面,實證結果發現:品牌權益、生活型態、服務品質顧客滿意度之間有正向的顯著影響。消費者背景變項對品牌權益、生活型態、服務品質顧客滿意度之效果方面,品牌權益在教育程度與經濟狀況等變項上有顯著差異;生活型態在年齡等變項上有顯著差異;服務品質在性別、婚姻、年齡、教育程度、職業與經濟狀況等變項上有顯著差異;顧客滿意度在婚姻、教育程度與經濟狀況等變項上有顯著差異。在中介效果上,服務品質對品牌權益、生活型態與消費者滿意度之關係具有部分中介效果。 The purpose of the study is to analyze the relationship among brand equity, life style, service equality and customer satisfaction. In recent years, the numbers of coffee shops are getting more and more. Coffee drinking habit increases the need of coffee and leads to the chain store. The study carries on questionnaires, statistics analysis and multipleregression analysis to identify the assumption that this research supposes. The results of this research revealed as followed: The majority age is between 31 to 50. People who are participated on service and business industry mainly, collage educated, and average monthly income of 20,000 NTD. There is a significant relationship among brand equity, life style, service equality and customer satisfaction. The difference of the education level and monthly income reports highly difference upon brand equity. According to the different age, life style reveal deeply different. Service quality has significant difference upon the gender, marriage, age, education level, occupation and monthly income. The customer satisfaction has significant affect upon marriage, education level and monthly income. The marriage, education level and monthly income affect customer satisfaction. Service quality, brand equity, life style and customer satisfaction affect each other eventually. |