本研究目的在編製一份具有良好信、效度及適合國內高中生使用之體育類型活動休閒阻礙量表,並歸納休閒阻礙的因素類型,再以驗證性因素分析考驗量表的適合度。本研究為了瞭解影響高中生參與體育類型活動之休閒阻礙因素,正式問卷採分層隨機抽樣(stratified sampling)方式,依嘉義市 14 所高中職學生人數比例發放 1,050 份問卷,有效回收問卷 987 份,有效問卷 94% 。研究共分兩個階段:第一階段以文獻資料蒐集整理後,採問卷量化方式來發展休閒阻礙的概念模式,並透過發放預試問卷 250 份,有效回收問卷 241 份,有效問卷 96% ,刪除不合適之題項,以進行探索性因素分析,將體育類型活動休閒阻礙量表的阻礙因素分成七個因素構面,共 31 題。第二階段為正式問卷施測,採用驗證性因素分析考驗量表配適情形與檢驗信、效度。本研究結果顯示:整體量表大致呈現良好信、效度檢驗並具有良好配適程度,代表模式具有良好的建構效度【χ2=1397.64;df=407;χ2/df=3.434;RMSEA=0.049;GFI=0.92;AGFI=0.90;CFI=0.95;NFI=0.93;NNFI=0.94;RMR=0.062;標準化RMR=0.055】。 本量表除作為嘉義市高中、職各校體育教師及相關單位未來規劃學校體育課程之參考依據外;期望未來能提供給欲瞭解高中生參與體育類型活動之休閒阻礙的相關研究進行參考或使用。 The purpose of the study was to design a scale with reliability and validity and it was used to explore and induce the types of factors affecting the senior high school students in Taiwan from participating in leisure activities. The goodness of fit of the scale is examined by confirmatory factor analysis (CFA). In order to find out what factors affect the participation of senior high school students in various types of sports activities, the formal questionnaires were distributed by using stratified sampling. Based on the ratio of senior and vocational high school students in Chia-yi city, the total of questionnaires was 1050. 987 questionnaires were returned. The rate of valid questionnaires was 94%. The research was carried out in two stages. In stage one, through the literature review, the types of leisure constraints was developed in the quantitative approach. 250 pre-test questionnaires were distributed. 241 questionnaires were returned. The rate of valid questionnaires was 96%. After improper items are deleted in the first pre-test questionnaire, 31 items are analyzed in exploratory factor analysis and there are 7 aspects in the types of sports activities leisure constraints scale. In stage 2, the revised questionnaire was checked formally. The goodness of fit, reliability and validity of the questionnaire were analyzed in confirmatory factor analysis. The results of the study are as follow: the scale was well-designed and it has high reliability and validity. The design of the items was also good. The questionnaire also has construct validity 【χ2=1397.64;df=407;χ2/df=3.434;RMSEA=0.049;GFI=0.92;AGFI=0.90;CFI=0.95;NFI=0.93;NNFI=0.94;RMR=0.062;standardized RMR=0.055】. The study aims to provide a well-designed scale on types of sports activities leisure constraints for anyone who is interested in the topic. The senior or vocational high school teachers in Chia-yi city may design the curriculum based on the scale and the authorities concerned can use this scale to design the physical education curriculum.