過去已有不少文獻指出,校外教學有別於課堂制式之教學方式,可有效提升學生親環境之態度、意圖甚至是行為。然而過去之研究大多是聚焦於學生扮演遊客,聽取解說員講授,評估其解說效益,卻鮮少思考當遊客的身分轉變為解說員後,此教學策略所致之成效。本研究立基於前述角色轉換,以台中市某一國小五年級學童為例,至高美濕地進行戶外教學。研究目的旨在探討運用探索、體驗式的解說模式對學童生態保育知識、態度、意圖、行為之影響,並分析學童在有無參與解說員培訓課程是否導致其對解說之涉入有所差異,進一步檢定解說活動涉入程度深、淺對其生態保育知識、態度、意圖、行為之影響。 研究結果顯示,解說活動可增進學童之生態保育態度、意圖;解說涉入程度深、淺對生態保育態度、意圖有顯著性差異,而在生態保育知識、行為方面則無顯著性差異。此外,本研究並透過個別訪談及學童撰寫之教學回饋單,以進一步了解學童學習之心路歷程。研究資料顯示,學童們透過第一手資料取得的過程,驗證了直接體驗將會增強人對環境的覺知能力與生命意識之啟發。 The purpose of this research is to implement environmental education through guided activities with interpretation and to understand how interpretations affect students' knowledge, attitudes, intentions and behaviors toward ecological conservation. Both quantity and quality research approaches are adopted. Data were collected to be analyzed and investigated. Based on this study, we find that attending interpretative activities has a positive impact on students’ knowledge, attitudes, intentions and behaviors. The extents of students’ involvement show obvious effects on their knowledge, attitudes and intentions about the environment, however the influences on their behaviors are very limited. It also shows that getting involved in these interpretative activities increased students’ environmental awareness and sensitivity. They express more willingness to protect the environment and provide advices and suggestions for their family. Through getting involved in interpretative activities, students are more willing to get close to the nature, to understand the nature and then to protect the nature and our environment.