跨國婚姻從早期的透過仲介所被建構的一種商品化婚姻,到現在台灣跟東南亞經濟的差距縮小,跨國婚姻比例逐漸下降。婚姻模式也隨著時間的晚近而有不同。本研究旨在探討不同的跨國婚配模式底下,丈夫、小孩、夫家親友對新移民的認同是不是有什麼不一樣,以及家務分工、經濟角色、與管教子女的權力在不同跨國婚配模式又有什麼差異。 透過半結構式訪談法,本研究訪談十對夫妻及他們的家人,分析結果顯示:一、不同婚配模式下,新移民在飲食、文化、語言上皆屬於單向適應。二、不同婚配模式下,家務分工上仍以新移民女性為主要承擔者。三、不同婚配模式下,家庭經濟角色扮演上,仍以丈夫為主要提供者。四、不同婚配模式下,自由戀愛比起婚仲模式、親友介紹的夫妻在管教子女權力上,擁有更多的協調空間,她們得到丈夫認同的情形,也高於其他婚配模式者,但是親戚對於跨國婚配中的女方的認同情形,不因婚配模式的不同而有差別。 The proportion of cross-national marriage between Taiwanese male and Southeastern Asian female declines, and the patterns of cross-national marriage are supposed different over time. This research investigates the variation of identity among different marriage patterns of cross-national marriage. Using semi-structured interviews, the following results have been found after analysis:1. Regardless of the patterns of cross-national marriage, wive’s eating habit, culture and language use are assimilated into Taiwan society.2. Regardless of the patterns of cross-national marriage, the wife plays the major role of division of housework.3. Regardless of the patterns of cross-national marriage, the husband is the primary wage earner.4. The wives who choose their spuses by themselves have more power in disciplining children and more identity from husbands than those get marriage by the way of cross-national marriage broker or relatives’ social network, but there is no variation of identity from husbands’ relatives among different marriage patterns of cross-national marriage.