自古以來,色彩便與人類的生活息息相關,遠古時顏色雖不多且調色不易,但仍知道裝飾性的重要而多用在繪製器物上,到了有階級之分的年代,人們更對於服飾上的圖也要求漸多了起來,但有些顏色只有身分更尊貴者才能擁有。如今時代變遷、人們觀念的改變下,顏色不再是用來象徵階級及單純的圖樣配色,不同顏色的搭配能呈現出不同的情感,可以藉此表達自己的個性,而衣服不只是屬於真實人物的,虛擬的人物也是需要服裝來反映個性及特質等,因此設計人員在設計人物時,總是會列出許多不同服裝以及不同配色的草稿,由此可知顏色運用在服裝上是能透露一些訊息給觀眾的。 本研究選定了虛擬人物的服裝色彩作為目標,先探討不同性別與求學背景對於平日購買與穿搭衣服時,是否有會注重色彩服飾,再探討對於三種個性的服裝色彩選擇,最後統計色票的總票數來設計人物的服裝色彩,可確立顏色的意涵與個性間的關聯性。 From ancient times to the present, color has been one of the important parts of human life. Certainly, there were not a lot of colors, and color mixing process was really hard. However, the ancient people understood the importance of decoration and used colors on the containers. People became more and more demanded on the decorations such as clothes through time. Nevertheless, only highborn people had the right to have them under the age of class distinction. Now time has changed, and ideology has changed through time. Colors are not the symbolism of highborn or just the decoration anymore. Each color represents different emotions, different moods, and different personalities to different people. That is why the colors become so important to designers; they represent the pure thoughts and ideas to the audiences. The goal of this research is to focus on colors for the clothes in designs. The relationship of personalities and the choices of colors is the important fact in the designs, regardless of the influence of age, sex, and backgrounds. The number of this study will show the meaning of colors according to the personalities.