文化創意產業目前已成為世界上不少國家推行的政策及地方經濟的發展趨勢,各國不外乎就是希望能保存歷經世代變遷與交融豐富的文化,而我國應該思考文化創意產業本身的競爭力以及內容,以尋求適當的推廣模式。另一方面,在資訊科技爆炸的時代裡,網際網路乃現今最熱門的產業行銷通路之一,又因佛教文化創意產業並未蓬勃發展,且無統整之行銷網站,故本研究深入探討,並設計出一合適之網頁。 本研究探討之佛教文創商品的網頁平台,透過顧客需求、網頁設計特徵與品質機能展開,探討佛教文創商品網頁的屬性需求,並以佛教文創精神導入設計中,以完成最佳化的設計。 本研究認為不管是佛教文創商品設計或是任何文創商品的開發,都需要反映文物本身的內涵,並了解消費者需要的是什麼,進而讓消費者體認文化本身的精神性。最後藉由網路行銷,設計一個虛擬通路平台,以供消費者能藉由此平台來購買各類的佛教文創商品,創造台灣文化創意產業新商機。 Cultural and creative industries has become many countries implement policies and local economic trends in the world, countries that want nothing more than to save changes through generations and blending rich culture, and our cultural and creative industries should think about their own competitiveness and content to seek appropriate promotion model. On the other hand, in the era of information technology, internet is nowadays hottest marketing channels of industry, and Buddhism cultural and creative industries are not booming, and no integration of the marketing website for this reason that this thesis wants depth study and design an appropriate site. The study of E-Marketing platform construction on Buddhism cultural and creative products are through customer demand, web design features and QFD to explore the Buddhism cultural and creative goods demand web properties, and the use of Buddhism cultural and creative spirit into the design to complete optimization design. This study suggests that cultural and creative goods design either Buddhism or any cultural and creative products development, all need to reflect the products itself, meaning, and understand what consumers want, thereby allowing consumers to realize the spirit of the culture itself. Finally, from E-Marketing, design a virtual sales platform, allowing consumers to buy any Buddhism culture and creative products, and creative a new business opportunities for Taiwan's cultural and creative industries.