本論文以「舞髮吾型」為題,緣起於筆者乃大學之美髮教師,並且有二十餘年之髮型創作經驗,於是在本論中,嘗試結合髮型與立體造形藝術,進行創作。創作過程以觀察人之頭形,及生活美髮造型為主,成為本創作研究之主題。在文獻探究中,筆者亦同時將髮式結合視覺藝術、造型藝術等手法,以呈現現髮型在立體創作中所可以包涵之意蘊。 研究方法有二,即1. 理論分析,及2. 行動研究結合創作,使創作活動與理論的探討互相整合。筆者研究結果如下1. 改進筆者髮型想法,發展並表現為立體雕塑創作元素。2. 透過藝術理論之學理,呈現具有美感之立體造形設計。3. 經由學習融合傳統與現代藝術,創造生活美學之藝術形式。4.反思創作歷程,獲得展新的思維與創作出獨特藝術風格。 I am a teacher in a university for design of hair style and have more than 20 years experience for such design, this is the personal motivation for me to research a theme about design of hair style by the art of a three dimensional style - the theme is named “hair dancing for my style. My works in my paper is firstly an observation of shape of head and secondly the style of hair in life. A research of literature is necessary, and I combine hair style with visual and shape art in order to present the possibilities in the three dimensional creation of hair style. The methods in my paper can be followings: 1. To analyze of the theories about hair Design. 2. By research of action with creation to integrate the action of creation with theories. The results in my paper are that: 1. A change of my ideas of hair style and a development and presentation of the ideas to a three dimensional sculpture. 2. a presentation of design of three dimensional style by the theories of art. 3. a combination of traditional with modern arts through which I create the form of aesthetical art. 4. In a reflexion of creation I get a new idea and create a special style of art.