本研究旨在瞭解國中學生資訊素養能力現況及相關因素,以嘉義縣中埔國中學生七、八年級學生為研究對象,採用調查法進行分析,並就分析的結果與94年許永諒針對中埔國中七、八年級學生研究結果做一比較。 根據調查結果分析,本研究之結論如下:嘉義縣中埔國中七、八年級學生資訊素養能力有不錯的水準。其資訊素養能力會隨著性別、家中有無個人電腦、家中電腦可否連上網路、家中是否有書刊雜誌、每週使用電腦的時間、家中是否有人可請教電腦問題、父母親是否支持學習電腦、家中電腦可否連上網路而有所差異。再針對本研究與94年的研究比較發現:不同的個人背景變項、學習經驗背景變項、學習環境背景變項之資訊素養均有顯著差異。根據研究結論,本研究並提出相關建議供學校教育行政機關及教師授課參考。 This study aims to evaluate the information literacy skills of junior high school and other relevant factors. Questionnaire was used to analysis ,Chung-pu junior high school in Chiayi County, and the results were compared with the Hsu’s research in 2005. According to the research findings, the conclusions of this study are as following. The information literacy is affected by relevant factors, including gender, accessing to the computer or Internet at home, subscribing to computer magazines, hours of using computers weekly, supporting of learning computer from parents, someone can be consulted at home. There are statistically differences in information literacy of different demographic variables, learning experience, and learning environment after comparing with 2005’s study, According to the results, some recommendations are provided to school, educational administration authorities and teachers.