對身心障礙學生及家長而言,口腔方面長期以來一直是個相當困擾的問題。本研究是以就讀國中特教班的智能障礙學生為對象,採用單一受試法之「A-B-A’」實驗設計,於3D口腔衛教動畫融入教學前、後及教學後第九週,對三位受試學生進行口腔衛生知識、技能及習慣的評量,探討其口腔衛生之學習成效。本研究以四項研究工具檢驗教學成效,以圖表呈現與視覺策略分析所蒐集之資料,並以C統計法作為統計考驗。研究結果顯示:一、融入3D動畫教學後對增進三位受試學生之口腔衛生知識具有教學成效以及至少九週之保留效果。二、融入3D動畫教學後對增進三位受試之口腔衛生技能具有教學成效以及至少九週之保留效果。三、融入3D動畫教學後對改善三名受試的部分口腔衛生習慣具有教學成效。 根據研究結果提出討論與建議,作為未來教學或研究參考。 For special education students and parents, oral hygiene has long been a considerably difficult problem. The purpose of this study was aimed to explore the educational effects upon the intervening of oral hygiene teaching with 3D animation. Single-subject A-B-A’ design and pretest posttest-maintenance phase design were adopted in this study to assess the oral hygiene knowledge, oral hygiene skills and oral hygiene habits of three junior high school students with mental retardation. Four instruments were used to evaluate the effects of experiment teaching. Data presented by graphic method and analyzed by visual analysis method. The C statistics method was used to analyze the data too. The results of this study indicated that:1. Teaching intervened by 3D animation could improve the three students’ oral hygiene knowledge, and its effects lasted for at least nine weeks.2. Teaching intervened by 3D animation could improve the three students’ oral hygiene skills, and its effects lasted for at least nine weeks.3. Teaching intervened by 3D animation could improve the three students’ oral hygiene habits. According to the results mentioned above, discussions, and limitations of this study, some recommendations for the teaching and further studies were made.