本論文以臺灣「文化創意產業」為研究對象,並且結合師生團隊實際參與個案之觀察為基礎,發現官方與民間在面臨產業轉型之際,關於「文化創意產業」的概念與定義,尚且存在諸多混淆的界說;也顯示現行文化創意產業,存在著核心價值與定位的不明確性。藉此,本文透過「參與觀察」的角度,結合符號學「符徵、符旨擴充論」的進路,重新解析「文化」、「創意」與「產業」的義理關係,試圖揭示「文化產業」、「文化創意」、「創意產業」以及「文創產業」四種文創產業的組合類型,重構臺灣文化創意產業的具體向度。 再者,結合美學經濟的價值取向,並以「學美」意涵的人文積澱,探討由「美感經驗」到「審美通感」層次的論述。強調兩者交互涵攝的內涵意義,並且參照文化行銷的分析模式,具體論述前述四大文創產業的類型與個案分析,彰顯「文化力」的甦醒與感動。 本文意圖通過「文化」、「創意」、「產業」的符徵與符旨的結構關係,揭示「文化基因庫」之願景,作為貞定臺灣文化創意產業的深層結構,誠為本文竭力探索的研究目標。 This thesis researches on Cultural and Creative Industries. We students and professors work together to observe cases. We find that when the official and the civil organization face the transformation of industries, there are still several confused definitions and concepts about Cultural and Creative Industries. It also reveals that the present Cultural and Creative Industries exists the uncertainty of core value and orientation. Therefore, the thesis reanalyzes the connection between “Culture”, “Creativity”, and “Industry” according to Participant-observation and the development of signifier and signified of semiotics. In this way, we can proclaim that the combination of four types: “cultural industries”, “cultural creativity”, “creative industries” and “ New Cultural and Creative Industries” restructures the specific dimension of Cultural and Creative Industries in Taiwan. Second, we discuss the level of “Aesthetic experience” and “Aesthetic synaesthesia” through value of Economy of Aesthetics and the meaning of appreciating beauty to improve humane learning. Further, we consult analysis mode of Cultural Marketing to expound case analyses of “New Cultural and Creative Industries”. As the four types mentioned, showing “the power of culture” which makes people awaked and touched. The intention of this thesis is to show the future of Gene pool from studying the relationship between signifier and signified of “culture”, “creativity” and ”industry” so that the structure of Cultural and Creative Industries would be consolidated. This is the main purpose of the thesis.