“拍攝婚紗照”對台灣新人們來說可謂是籌備婚禮過程中的重頭戲,台灣這項特有文化還引起日本NHK電視台於2011年特地前來台灣製作專題報導,介紹我們獨特的婚紗照文化,基於此產業環境背景,本研究利用交互式質性分析方法以獲取消費者在選擇婚紗公司的考量因素,並歸納各因素間的關係,建立完整的心智圖。 本研究基於立意抽樣,挑選6位在雲林縣已拍攝過婚紗照之女性進行研究,在消費者婚紗選購行為此項主題上進行焦點團體與個人訪談,受訪者能分享其在挑選婚紗公司時所考量的因素,過程中獲得9個概念,分別為:1.外在壓力2.交通因素3.配合度4.價格因素5.附加價值6.硬體設備7.公司形象8.專業因素9.服務品質。研究中發現「外在壓力」為主要成因,「附加價值」為主要結果,並得到3條因果循環路徑分別為:1.「價格因素」→「專業因素」→「服務品質」→「價格因素」。2. 「價格因素」→「配合度」→「公司形象」→「服務品質」→「價格因素」。3. 「公司形象」→「附加價值」→「公司形象」。此結果切合社會認知理論的觀點,行為是個人與環境三者彼此交互作用而產生的。 本研究建立的心智圖,提供基礎的認知基模讓婚紗攝影公司充分了解消費者的完整想法。因素間關係的確立更可讓業者切確掌握消費者需求;及消費過程中公司及顧客間的各互動因素皆會對公司形象產生重大影響,牽一髮而動全身,別忽略了對每位消費者的經營,如此才能永續成長。 " Wedding Photo Shooting" is one of the most important issues for the new couples who plans to get married. It also arouses the great intention form the Japanese Media-NHK TV Show to arrange a special program to report this. It introduces Taiwanese' unique wedding photo shooting culture. The main purpose of this study is to capture the cognitive schema of consumers how do they make up their decision to purchase their wedding photo graphic. The goals of this study are: to introduces the businessman about how they promote their business and the reasons why the new wedding couples choose this photo shooting company. It provides the consumers a full picture of the wedding photo shooting culture. This study applied the interactive qualitative analysis approach. There were six female members in the focus group that got married in Yun Lin County and had ever taking the wedding photos. The interviewees share their nine major concepts in taking the wedding photos. The major concepts collected from this study are as following: external pressure, convenience of transportation, cooperation, pricing, additional values, equipment, company prestige, professionalism and service. The result of this study shows that the pressure is the main decision factor and the additional values will be the final results. The research provides the wedding photo shooting company a full idea in understanding the decision procedure of the consumers. It also provides the concept of that the interaction between the company the consumers will cause a great influence to the company prestige. The company shall care about the feedback of the consumers and that will reflect to the company business in turn. In order to run the wedding photography business in long-lasting base, the company shall keep every single business as a returned business and every case shall be treated carefully.