本研究以二位居住在偏遠山區身心障礙兒童母親為研究主體,希望經由傾聽與對話,呈現出障礙兒母親特殊的生命經驗,揭露她們在教養身心障礙兒所面臨的生命困境與心理轉化歷程。 本論文旨在瞭解偏遠山區的母親陪伴、照顧身心障礙兒者之生命故事,採取質性研究中的敘事研究方法,透過與二位母親的深度訪談,以其自我敘說的生命故事為文本,再以「整體-內容」呈現其生命故事,以「類別-內容」分析其生活世界的經驗內涵,以及從中而來之生命意義。二位母親在照顧身障兒的過程中,從面對孩子生理障礙的困境到遭遇挫折時的無助與無望,最後在此當中尋找生命意義價值,內心態度的轉換成為個人生命獨特的意義。 研究結果歸納出二位身心障礙兒母親在陪伴與照顧身心障礙兒轉化的關鍵因素有四點:一、個人的堅持及毅力;二、正念思考;三、他人支持的力量;四、信仰的力量。此四個因素成就兩人不平凡的經驗,造就二個充滿韌性的生命體,從照顧關係中肯定自我的價值,受訪者也在此當中被賦予意義的認肯、重新建構生命的意義。而這段生命經歷讓她們更具同理心,化小愛為大愛,提供己身的照顧歷程,轉化為助人的動力。 This research takes two disable children's mothers, lived in a rural zone, for samples, and explores the specific life experience by listening and interview of discussing the life dilemma and procession of inter psychological transformation they faced during the period of educated and took care of their disable children. For the purpose, this research uses qualitative narrative method to explore the life story about that mothers care and accompany their disable children, and collects the qualitative test by deep interview, than, uses “Wholeness-Content” method to present the life story and “Category-Content” to analyze the experience of living world and meaning. During the period of caring disable children, both of mothers face the same dilemma and feel helpless and hopeless in the beginning, than, they transform their negative attitude into the positive and unique life meaning and search for their life value finally. From the interview text, the results reveal four key factors of the transformation: “individual insistence and perseverance”; “positive thinking”;“support from others”; “individual religion”. Those factors help them building the specific experience and determination, furthermore, they are all conscious of self-affirmation; life value; recognition; and rebuilding a meaningful life, which results in having more empathy for helping people having the same situation.