本研究旨在探討雲林縣國小新移民子女族群認同、自尊與生命意義感在不同背景下的變異情形,並了解族群認同與自尊、生命意義感三者的相關情形。 本研究採用問卷調查法進行本研究之資料蒐集。以「族群認同量表」、「自尊量表」、「生命意義感量表」等為研究工具,分層隨機抽取 462 名雲林縣國小新移民子女為樣本。研究結果發現:(一)國小新移民子女族群認同與人口變項均有密切關係:三年級高於六年級學童;不同母親國籍有顯著差異;第二類高於第四類。 (二)國小新移民子女自尊與人口變項有密切關係:三年級高於五年級和六年級學童、四年級高於五年級、六年級學童;在學業自尊層面上,母親國籍為越南顯著高於東南亞各國。(三)國小新移民子女生命意義感與人口變項有密切關係:在生活目標層面上,女生高於男生、三、四年級高於六年級學童;大陸和越南高於印尼;在對生命的熱忱層面上,第一類高於第三類、第四類及第二類高於第三類;在勇於面對層面上,第一類高於第三類、第四類。(四)國小新移民子女族群認同、自尊、 生命意義感彼此之間有顯著正相關。(五)國小新移民子女族群認同與自尊對生命意義感有聯合預測力,其中以族群認同變項中的族群知覺最具預測力。 依據本研究發現,提出建議供國小學生家長、教師、教育行政單位及未來研究方向參考。 The purpose of this study was to investigate relationships among ethnic identity, self-esteem and sense of life meaning in the foreign brides' children of the primary school in Yunlin country. Three well-defined questionnaires- "Ethnic Identity Scale", "Self-Esteem Scale" and "Sense of Life Meaning Scale" was applied for survey and data collection. 462 subjects were randomly selected from the foreign brides' children of the primary school in Yunlin country. The results were as follows:(1)There was a significant relationship between ethnic identity and demographic variables in the foreign brides' children of the primary school: the third grade students were higher than the sixth grade students; there was a significant difference in mother's nationality: category 2 was higher than category 4. (2)There was a significant relationship between self-esteem and demographic variables in the foreign brides' children of the primary school: the third and forth grade students were higher than fifth and sixth grade students; as for the self-esteem of schoolwork aspect: students of Vietnamese mothers were significantly higher than those of Southeast Asia mothers.(3)There was a significant relationship between sense of life meaning and demographic variables in the foreign brides' children of the primary school: as for the life goal aspect- girls were higher than boys; the third and forth grade students were higher than the sixth grade students; students of China's and Vietnam's mothers were higher than those of Indonesia's mothers. As for life enthusiasm aspect: Category 1 was higher than Category3; Category 4 and 5 were higher than Category 3. As for confronting aspect: Category 1 was higher than Category 3 and 4.(4)There was a significantly positive correlation among ethnic identity, self-esteem and sense of life meaning(5)The ethnic identity and self-esteem were effective predictors toward sense of life meaning; besides, the ethnic perception in the ethnic identity variable was the most effective predictor. The suggestions of the findings were made for parents, teachers, school administrators, and future researchers.