在台灣隨著民主教育的落實及民主意識抬頭,使得關心選舉的民眾愈來愈多,而且年齡層也逐年下降,讓選舉不再只是大人的活動,只要擁有投票權,就能參與選舉,也由於這種關心選舉的年齡層逐年下降之因素,使各政黨的政治候選人在投入選舉時,都必須重視這個趨勢,進而考量影響這些選民投票取向之因素,以做為競選時主要之訴求與包裝。 此外,選舉在民主政治的運作中,可說是最核心的部分,要膫解民主政治的實際運作,就需先了解選舉;而要對選舉有充分的了解,就必須對選民投票取向及候選人的競選過程有充分的認知,其中包括候選人的競選政見與競選策略的運用。台灣自1980年代起,在民主化的浪潮衝擊下,已從威權體制過度為民主政體,在轉型過程中,選舉也逐漸成為中央和各地方層級中,首長及民意代表合法產生的方式。 本研究藉由2012年嘉義縣立法委員選舉結果,驗證候選人競選策略之運用是否影響選民投票取向,且分析哪些因素為主要影響原因;經由質性研究與統計相關數據輔佐為研究方法,探討影響2012年嘉義縣立法委員選舉之選民投票取向與候選人競選策略。 The rise of Taiwan with the implementation of democratic and democratic awareness, making people more and more concerned about the election. And with the age is declining, so that elections are no longer just an adult activity. As long as the right to vote, will be able to participate in the election. Besides, in the operation of democratic politics, election is comprised in its core. Whoever wants to get acquainted with the practice of democratic politics, he must have adequate recognition of election in the first place. To know election, one must have sufficient knowledge about candidates, including their political opinions and campaigning strategies. Since 1980’s under the impact of democratization, Taiwan has become a democratic country. In the process of transformation, election becomes a commonplace in generating government leaders and representatives. Therefore, the main research directions of this study to explore the factors that affect voting preferences of voters? And what the candidate campaign strategy?