目的:藉由瑜伽、靜坐與進食控制的介入,探討受測者健康指標的變化與自我療癒的可能性。 研究方法:本研究自南部某自然療法之家的活動中招募32名受測者進行研究。活動內容包括每日2次的瑜伽與靜坐之訓練,同時階段性控制進食。受測者於研究前後填寫健康調查表,並每日量測身高、體重、血壓、脈博等。活動進行1周,並請受測者於結束1個月後以電子郵件回傳身心症狀,以了解是否有持續改善的效果。 研究結果:體重、身體質量指數(BMI)、腰圍、臀圍、腰臀比等顯著減少(p < .01),左眼視力顯著增加(p < .05);在72項身心症狀項目的調查中,有42項身心症狀項目有顯著性的改善(其中25項p < .01,另17項p < .05),尤其是在手腳處各關節的酸痛、胃與五官的疼痛方面都有普遍性的改善。收縮壓與舒張壓雖無顯著性的改善,但是研究前有高血壓前期現象者16人,研究後已降為6人。另外根據世界衛生組織與我國衛生署公布之有疾病發生之相對危險性標準,研究前有16人,研究後已減為11人。 結論:本研究在減重方面有顯著性的效果,對於多種身心不適症狀也有改善,值得未來進一步探究。 Objective:To observe the effects of Yoga and Meditation practice under intake control on mind and body health. Method:Thirty-two participants were recruited (9 males and 23 females) in this study. The participants took yoga and meditation practice twice a day under intake control during a week-long retreat. Weight、BMI、waistline、blood pressure、pulse、eyesight were measured daily. The participants also filled a self–assessed questionnaire before and after the retreat. The participants were asked through emails to report another self–assessed questionnaire 3 months later. Results:The changes in weight、BMI、waistline、buttocks and the waist/hip ratio were significant (p < .01). Left eye sight improved significantly as well (p < .05). Forty-two of the 72 self- assessed items improved (p < .01 for 25 items, p < .05 for 17 items). The number of participants with borderline hypertension decreased from 16 to 6 at the end of the retreat. The number of participants with disease risk, according to the standard of WHO, dropped from 16 to 11. Conclusions:This study found significant reduction in body weight and overall improvement in health after the 7-day retreat.